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Am I weird?

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zachagreg ngon master
So after a couple of tries at contacting various companies and getting the same lack of response I'm wondering if I'm just weird or expecting too much. I've contacted a couple of companies and personnel about who exactly to address my cover letter to when applying for certain positions that they have available. Basically I'm doing this to personalize the letter a bit more and not just write "To Whom It May Concern" or "Company X Hiring". I've done this about half a dozen times now and just never get a response. So I don't know if I'm weird for asking or if I'm just expecting too much.


  • Eric Chadwick
    This might help explain things, from the Sticky at the top of the jobs forum section: Freelance Jobs - Guidelines
    7. Do not ask when you'll receive a response, or to state you haven't heard back, or ask if the job is still available. If you feel the need to do this, send a direct message. If the OP is still looking, they will post an update. Responding to each applicant is a time-consuming process, most OPs do not have the time for this. If you do not hear back, it is best to assume the OP is not interested in your submission.

    See also the sticky at the top of this section,

    ... which points to the wiki, full of similar advice and resources.

    Including this great thread, which also addresses your question.
    Game Industry Recruiter Taking In Questions

    A quick suggestion: just address your cover letter to the name of the game studio. For example, 

    Dear Ubisoft,

    And anyhow, you're over thinking this. The cover letter is such a minor part of the whole process. It'll be skimmed over as fast as possible, if it's read at all.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Cover Letter is for HR vetting, not the team you usually want to join.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Yea I figured as much but for some reason had it in mind that it would be good to personalize it. It's so odd that's there are so many articles written about these things that Im guessing I just got in my head too much on what I should do.
  • Eric Chadwick
     It's ok to feel concerned about these things. So much is hidden and unexplained. You're not weird! We've tried to expose some of that info on the wiki. Hope it helps!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Every time i have applied i try to keep it light and casual, pretty much just “hey (studio name)!” Or if i am responding to an in house recruiter first contact is usually them reaching out via linkedin to get the conversation started so you already have their name. 

    Dont over think it and just write it how you would talk to a fellow passionate dev. 

    Long term, I would recommend expanding your personal network via meetups, and dm’ing people that work at places you want to work at or asking a mutual friend to introduce you etc, and start building genuine relationships with your peers, long before you plan on applying.  That way it doesnt come off as you trying to use them as an in, you have a great group of contacts with mutual respect for each others work, and they can reffer you if they feel you are a good fit and usually net a nice little refferal bonus for themselves. And you get to skip the formal coverletter all together becuase then the studio will be reaching out to you! Win/win/win and makes life easier for everyone involved. Its a bit of a longer game but will give you exponential returns over your career. Just some food for thought! 
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    I totally agree @PixelMasher that is one of the main reasons that I joined polycount, so I can start getting in conversation with a lot of people in the community. At the very least that way they may be able to match a face to a screen name at a meetup or convention. I know I'm going to meeting a lot of people at GDC this year and I'm definitely going to the polycount meetup as well. Thanks everyone for the reassurance though! I will definitely check out those wikis too @Eric Chadwick

  • BrianShray
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    BrianShray polycounter lvl 4
    I wouldn't sweat the small stuff.
    I've usually addressed the CV with "To Whom It May Concern" and have had no issues with it. 
    So long as the body of your CV is customized to the company you're sending it to, then it should be fine. 
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