Hi there!
I'm leading a USC Advanced Games Thesis project - Sky Command - and we're in need of a 3D Character Modeler to model two human characters for realtime/VR use (<15k tris). The project will be exhibited in May at USC Games' Showcase, which is attended by devs and recruiters from most major Los Angeles game studios.
A bit about Sky Command, it's a co-op VR game where you and a partner man a constantly breaking ship, steal enemy tech, and escape their grasp all while yelling at each other in an experience inspired by Keep Talking and No One Explodes. It's set in a worn-down sci-fi universe, inspired by the humor, stylization, and chunkiness of Overwatch's art direction. Sky Command is currently being developed in Unity for the HTC Vive.
(You can check out some of the material & prop models here:
https://www.artstation.com/katvalkyrie ).
Knowledge of rigging and/or texturing (with Substance) is a plus.
These are the base concepts you would be working off. There's no need to model facial features for these characters, since they'll be helmeted at all times (helmet concept still WIP).
Thanks for your time and if you're interested in joining our team, please send me a message here, or email skycommandgame@gmail.com