I'm trialing Zbrush but I'm looking at Zbrushcore as my "can afford" option but does it have decemation master or another reasonable way to decimate a mesh without wrecking?
It depends on what you mean by 'wrecking'. Decimation Master tramsforms your model into a triangle poly format without subdivisions. Depending on how you use it it can reduce the polycount of your model drastically while maintaining the form. I use it all the time to get an excellent copy of the final Hires model into Max for retopology and the final production of a lower resolution game mesh. It destroys the subdivision levels in your model so you just duplicate your girez model with subdivisions and work on that. It has other uses https://www.google.nl/search?q=zbrush+decimation+master&oq=zbrush+decimation+master&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.8645j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Decimation Master wrecks the subdivision levels but holds the form. Personally I would find it hard to live without!
Decimation Master wrecks the subdivision levels but holds the form. Personally I would find it hard to live without!