Hello you guys! It's been a lo~ng time since I posted a progress thread here on Polycount

For anyone following me on
ArtStation probably saw I posted a
blog post regarding my current personal project, the Anatomy Project: M44!
So I decided to create a thread here just as a record for anyone who interested to see my progress on it. But word of warning it *might* take longer then it should since it's a personal project during personal free time and art direct by myself (can be super picky sometimes)..and wasn't too sure how often I can work on it due to a full time job, other project with the Dekogon guys and learning Japanese!
Here are the teaser highpoly screenshots that I posted earlier;

And lowpoly AO and normal bake;

So far no texture has been created yet, but when I reached certain presentable point I'll post it here.
And as always please feel free to give comment or suggestions along the way.
Hope you'll enjoy it!
First texture pass on the wooden stock and top hand guard.
Next probably will start building the base metal parts before continue tweaking the wood texture.
Gun metal is hard
Update on on the refined texture pass for the mag.
It's pretty much a busy last couple of years but finally decided to pick this back up, main reason was to test and play around with the new TB4 Beta. So for this time I've redone the UV layout and WIP texture and split them to 4 IDs (from 2 IDs previously) cus I just can't get that surface details I want using only 2 IDs. So here it is!
Still WIP, might need to rebalance some textures and to texture the scope before finalizing the renders.
Hopefully it doesn't need to take that long for next update!
Really impressed with the MT4 render quality so far!
Latest addition to the rifle I've added a shoulder strap! Tweaked the lighting a little bit, still unsure whether to go bright or dark for the background. Will need to experiment more, probably testing other Toolbag's sky for a chance.
Latest progress, refined straps! update texture with some alpha cards strip for the edge fuzziness.
On the stock, would it be possible to have the wood grain reflect light at a different angle than the oil finish? That would give it a lot of depth.
Was thinking more of a dimly faded or nighttime version of an HDRi (quick search probably) some cool kids use custom hrdi's i hear. =p but yea i agree what ever works for you. Thanks for response, looking forward to the final.
Thanks man tried my best to squeeze in time for this in between my free time~
LINK - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EvBYqq
A little backstory, I had a HDD failure in 2020 and 'lost' all files along with it, but glad that I still keep the HDD and fortunately in 2024 able to recover some data from the disk and this is one of them! Moral of the story; Always BACKUP your files, kids!
Please visit Artstation link above for more renders, thanks!