After learning Blender (coming from Max) I decided to get started with an easy project so I picked a gun, the Hudson H9 piqued my interest and seemed simple enough, of course once you start actually looking at it it's a little less simple then it first appeared but it was a nice exercise to test what I've learned in Blender so far.
I also wanted to step up my presentation and texturing so making a brand new gun that doesn't have a ton of worn out materials but in fact it's a big matte black lamp of steel was a nice challenge both to make interesting while still not adding loads of out of place wear and tear and also to show off as it's very low contrast.
I am making the whole gun but as I'm not just making the exterior shell I thought I'd try texturing and presenting the finished slide to see if I could achieve what I had in mind before finishing the whole project, also this way I can get some useful feedback and than improve before finishing the whole thing.
I'm going for that low key sleek product photography look, this is still a game asset (other than the huge texture which I'm using for the beauty shots) and once I've completed the whole project I will make a comparison with a version that uses sensible textures sizes just for fun.

If you are interested there's a bunch more on
Artstation.So well thanks for taking the time to look at and read my post, any feedback and or critiques are very welcome!
Thanks for the videos by the way they will definitely come in handy!