Hello fellow artists!
I've job searching a few years with no luck besides one interview and it's been a year to this month since I last asked for a Portfolio Critique here. I've seen some great and inspiring artwork on this site since then and I feel like I've improved a lot as well but there's always much more to learn. I'm trying to target studios such as Respawn, DICE, and Treyarch as well as VFX studios with my work.
I would describe myself as an environment artist with an interest in hard surface/vehicles, environment dressing and lighting.
I'd like to work on and add more Photogrammetry examples but before I do I'd like to know if I'm heading in the right direction overall.
Thanks for your time,
Portfolio Link :
There's a great thread in the Careers & Education section that shows portfolios that got people the job in AAA.
If I were to improve your portfolio, I would take the pieces you already have and either consolidate them into one big environment or build new ones around them. For example, why not take your motorbike and put it in The Encounter scene? You could remake it and give it a stronger story. Have more vehicles show up, include yellow tape that says "do not cross" and maybe even have a dead body covered in a blanket showing it's a crime scene?
There's a lot of ideas to work with. But most important, narrow down your portfolio to 3 ~ 4 great environments, include a couple of material studies that show you can make tileable environments, and include breakdowns. I'm not seeing a lot of wireframes, textures, sculpting process etc that shows how you got there.
Lastly, if you really do want to target a specific studio, look at what games they are making and make an environment piece that exactly matches it. It shows you have no problem working within their artstyle or matching their concept art.
All critiques are greatly appreciated!