so i made a procedural material in substance designer. Is it possible to control the things that i can control via substance' product in ue4 as material instances or some sort? I'm not really familiar with unreal engine so sorry if this seems like an idiotic questions.
I've done my research and my current hypothesis is no you can't
Get the unreal plugin either from algorithmic or the market place. Read through the documentation or search for some tubes to start to get a sense for how it works.
@KurtR, YEAH! i just got that plugin its awesome, but if i have the output as RGB compresseed material, i notice that i need to revbuilt the nodes right? and if i want to use vertex color to blend in between to substance material i still need to build the node by myself right? So my deduction is that substance plugin is really useful for specific material that has the parameters exposed prior before importing to unreal in substance designer right? if not importing as bitmap will be faster right?
Personally I use the bitmap workflow, so I personally would agree. For me it might be the power of habit that does it as well, but it just more comfortable with bitmaps. That might change.