Home Contests & Challenges Archives Riot Creative Contest 2017 Riot Creative Contest 2017 - Narrative

The Dagger of a Dead Man

I never thought it would end like this, I can hear the clinking sounds of those things crawling all around the house now. It was so peaceful here, until that night. The night he came, preaching of unification and salvation. They didn’t believe me when I said we should run him out of town, and now its to late.

The screaming started just after midnight, three days ago. It hasn’t stopped since. The sorrowful wails of women and children being dragged from their homes. Everyone is to terrified to open their doors, yet that man was always in the town square. His tattered robes seemed to float about him in the darkness around him.

I spoke with him the day after he came here. I wanted to know what exactly he wanted here. When he finally spoke it was barely audible.

He said “Long has she slumbered beneath these sands, and I will awaken her.” his voice chilled me to the bone.

I left him in the square terrified, and packed up my family, but I was to late. As we walked passed the square and towards the edge of town a great gate made of some sort of energy field closed before us. We weren’t the only family to see this, but we were the luckiest. The next thing I saw was horrifying.

A maliganent purple flame burst from our neighbors chest. It boiled his skin and these small creatures sprang forward at him. They grabbed hold while a beam of pure evil shot from that horrid man towards the poor soul. At this I ran, as fast as I could holding my daughter and son in both arms. I didn’t even see, or hear when my wife fell to the floor and was pulled away.

“Papa! Mama is hurt!” my son said

“They are taking Momma!” my daughter cried in agony.

“We have to get somewhere safe!” I cried using all the strength I could muster to keep moving. “I won’t let them hurt you!”

That was the last sentence I ever uttered to either of my children. I was hit over the head with something hard, and I awoke bleeding in an ally way. My children were gone, my wife, and now people were screaming constantly. It was as if the whole town was being torn to shreds around me. I wouldn’t know until now, but I was so very close to the truth.

I decided after two days without my family, that it was time for me to do something. Today, I walk out of this house with my head held high, and a blade in my hands. I walk forward, hearing the chittering and screeching beasts around me. I see them dart between myself and my enemy. That mysterious man, covered in his purple cloak, and now showing a dark glow from where his face once was.

I feel my body start to burn with rage, and possibly that flame I saw. I hurts so very much, but I keep walking. The knive begins to hum with anticipation of the strike I plan on letting out on this man. His feet ascend lifting him into the air, as a wave of energy engulfs him. Each step I take is more and more labored, until I am standing inches from him.

I look up into his powerful hood and say to him “Do you have any last words?”

“Come mortal, witness your demise!” he shouts down at me.

 I take the dagger and raise it, and with one quick motion thrust it deep into him.

“We demand sacrifice.” he says, the blade barely touching his torso.

I feel the dagger get ripped from my hands, at the same instant as my body burst into flames. The creatures begin to climb all over my body, and the last thing I see, is that evil man placing my dagger on his hip.

I hear many things as I am torn asunder. The most distinct is a loud echoing sound, than voices.

First an unfamiliar, “The balance of power must be preserved Malzahar.”

Then that horrid mans “You shall never stop us, Kassadin.”

The sounds all trail off, the pain leaves my body also. The Void has claimed me, and The Void will never accept defeat.

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