Hello, this is a project I started a year ago, and just picked up again.
It's how I imagine New York might look if it were in Overwatch
I started it as a way to practice some techniques I learned in a video tutorial by Thaigo Klafke.
The series can be found here:

I'm hoping to add more elements to help the story-telling of the environment.
These are some of the assets I still need to make:
- train assets
- construction assets
- cone
- barrel
- lights
- modular bridge platforms
- city props
- street lamps
- traffic barrier
- traffic light
- bridge-sign
- small trees
I'm doing a first pass of materials for everything to start with, will probably spend a few hours with each material towards the end of the project, and get them more polished.
I'd definitely like to get some feedback at this point : )
I'm using generic trim-sheets for all the assets at the moment, I'l wait until all the elements are in to see if I need to make more.
I'l be more discreet with the placing once I have them all done, just having fun testing them for now :- D