Hello to All,
I've decided to join in with the fun, Using the Ekko rig kindly provided by Binxx.
The squash and stretch style is not something I have explored much, so I created the run cycle with this is mind.
Creating what is hopefully an exciting and over the top way of traversing the map.
My intention is to now take this Pogo stick style Run and just keep pushing the smear frames and extremes.
Push those curves and polish up those secondary animation items.
This is my WIP for the characters recall animation.
Again I've focused around using the bat in a squash and stretch style,
but this time offering a point for the character to spring off of, to then proceed to dive into the ground.
My next steps will be to try slight alternatives on timing and pushing those poses even further.
Thanks for reading, feedback is welcome.
I'll update when I have something new.
Here is an update to my Recall Animation.
Since Last time I've pushed my curves and poses and hopefully brought out a little more Riot Styling.
Any Feedback is more than welcome.