I found a fun looking
concept by
Mikhail Rakhmatullin that I wanted to start working on. I'd like to learn some new things and challenge myself with this guy, so here goes nothin.

Since this fancy man and his little chihuahua aren't super complex, I'm also hoping to:
- practice and improve my anatomy (stylized but not over-the-top exaggerated);
- finally attempt to make some low poly hair cards;
- create a flow map for some anisotropic hair shaders;
- create some blend shapes (ZBrush > Maya) for a few facial expressions;
- make a full body rig (maybe minus the face) so I don't have to stick with one or two poses;
- create the main part of the jacket in Marvelous Designer;
- get that fancy-shouldered jacket to deform with some type of cloth simulation physics in Maya;
These are things that I
think I have a basic understanding of, but I haven't put them to use on a full-bodied character yet. I'm sure I'll run into a some road bumps along the way, but I would really appreciate any advice or suggestions if anything looks way off.
Here's the orthographic that I put together to try and get his proportions working without the jacket.

I started out block modeling in Maya and worked on the forms in ZBrush. I've been using some stylized anatomy sheets to focus on some main shapes and connections, but I'll go back to check some more realistic stuff to compare and adjust. I'm definitely not an anatomy expert so would be grateful for any critiques or suggestions as I try to get things looking right.
His chest and arms will be covered with the jacket but I'd still like to get some working anatomy all around before I cover him up. His pants are pretty tight so I'll really want the definition in the legs to show through. I hoping I can make something really fun with this concept and I'll try to keep the updates coming whenever I'm able!
Working on anatomy always feels like a slow start for me, but I'm hoping the next update I'll be set and have moved forward with the face and stuff. C&C is always appreciated!
One thing I noticed is his thighs feel more box-y, it might be that you are still early in the process, but thought I'd mention it. They have a more slicker feel in the concept.
ps: Please add that peeing dogo asap otherwise there's no point to this.
Next up is detailing the face and starting in on his clothing. I'm playing around with how to approach the style for his eyes. I'll try a pass at the concept's look (simplified and in shadow), but I'm worried it won't have as much impact in 3D. I guess I'll find out! As always any C&C is super appreciated.
I wanted to make sure that I could get his mouth wide enough for that lazy/disgusted expression, but I gotta go back and retopo the face for his blend shapes later on. I think I'll finish his high poly (and dog) first.
Also Monster Hunter World is a hell of a drug... More updates to come!
I thinned out his legs to look closer to the concept but something feels off balance now (probably the tail or head size?).
I'll hop back over to the outfit for the next update so I can see things with a refreshed perspective.
I've been trying to get this guy's jacket working and it's been a challenge. I've got everything blocked out now, but those folds really need some TLC before I can move onto the details. I'm also iffy on the butt-flap design so I'll try a few different versions and see if something looks more interesting or natural. This feels like a warning sign for me to practice clothing folds more often (and fabric in general), and any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.
Heres an example of how you could potentially use areas of real life ref for your sculpt. Its what I tend to do when sculpting folds on clothes I dont have exact reference for.
I'll try to incorporate more realistic reference like you'd mentioned. I can also bring in some kind of hard surface thing to keep that mechanical surface language consistent with the front. Thanks again! I'll try and get some more progress in and post an update for next week.
Tried 2 variations on his butt-flap thing too. I think the asymmetry is helping break things up a little more so version 2 is looking like the current version over the weird coattails.
Also added a "relaxed" expression for helping with the blendshape stuff later on. Right now he looks like a cross between a zombie and some shocked Guybrush Threepwood-type character, but I'm hoping I'm on the right track with that. Added a high poly version for the mouth, eyes, and tongue.
Continued to fix doggo's anatomy and silhouette before putting him in a suit. The brown parts will be like that transparent plastic look (like the PVC raincoat that Pav3d mentioned above), and his legs will be blended into the blue of his coat. You know, texture stuff.
Dog is going to go through another face update (and new suit) before I can call his high poly done, but then I should be good to move forward with the blend shapes. I don't think I'll have this guy done in time for GDC, but I'm hoping I can get to the low poly with hair cards in place before then.
The dog is still coming together but I'm worried I might have pushed it too far outside of the intended style. I still want to make sure it'll match with the character's style, so I'll see if I can find a balance with that before moving on and getting that game topology put in.
I brought his snout out a little further, and made his eyes a little less bulge-y on the bottom. Added in his suit and worked on some of the muscle parts of the face and jaw. He's also got some teeth now, which we might never see depending on his blend shape expressions.
I think I'm good to move on from the high poly sculpts but please feel free to mention if something feels off on either of these guys and I can attempt to fix it. Next up is some blend shapes for the dude, and then a face retopo and blend shapes for the doggo.
I'll probably focus on the dude up until GDC comes and goes, but I'll go back and finishing the dog once this guy is low poly and baked down.
just give him a shake and he'll be realistic in no time! haha
0-Pants feel a little empty, you could either put some fabric seams or maybe make it more like nude muscular legs(like a ballet dancer), the sculpted angularity feels a little weird to me at least.
1- I think this needs to be thinner material, like a a leather pad that has a seamed border, now it feels more like padded cloth and is too smooth.
2- These folds could be deeper, at least some of them.
3- this protrudes too much, I think as the concept suggests it is flatter, and almost has the shape of a hand covering his junk.
4- Bolder separation for the soles
5- Drag the outer layer a touch outwards so it creates more shadow/ao in the end.
You brought up some great points that I'd overlooked, so I think I'll take a step back and rework a few parts before moving on. Thanks again!
The lip-bite expression isn't reading as strong as the other two looks, but I'm hoping that the normal details will help that pop when I get them baked down.
Right now the dude is hovering around 25k tris, so it'd be great to keep it under 30k (no idea how many tris to expect with the final hair card placement). C&C is always welcome!
Now I gotta get working on those hair cards. No idea exactly how I'll start on them but I'll get some studying in on some different techniques and see what I can do.
@Kaine123: Thank you! It's gotta be one of those things that helps identifies the breed so I'm glad it's coming through.
Any thoughts or suggestions along the way are welcome, and I really wanna try and get this guy finished before the end of the year!
I'm not sure if you have enough shape borders/transitions for the undershirt and pants, but I would recommend playing with some material break-ups for the fabric paneling. In other words, build in some material changes to add subtle visual interest into the otherwise uniformly dark pants & shirt. Perhaps play back and forth between a slightly grayer fabric texture and a darker, rough vinyl-ish material? This is actually one of the things I love about the character work for the Overwatch cast, they built in neat material definitions to break up forms in interesting ways.
I totally agree with the pants and vest area needing a lot more separation. I'll want the vest part to read a little more shiny and the pants a little more rough and less reflective. Pretty much everything needs more material definition, so I hope I can get things to pop a little more in further updates.
Still taking screenshots straight out of Painter for these, but I'll try to bring some stuff into Toolbag for some future updates. Would love to hear some thoughts as I move forward and continue to tweak things!
I kinda wanna play around with his other expressions and see how the textures transfer over before starting on the hair or anything else. I'm finally getting back some steam so hopefully some more regular updates are on the way!
Getting the expressions to read, I ended up creating an additional detail normal map for each look. I think I need to put more of an indent on the upper chin for the lip bite, so I'll play around with that to try and make it read better.
I haven't included any directional maps for the hair yet, so that's another thing on the to-do list. Any thoughts or suggestions along the way are super appreciated if you see something!
I built all of these out of a remade low poly dog head that I'll have as a base for the blendshapes in Maya once I'm finishing off the low poly. I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions if anything feels off or needs to be reworked. Expressions are super fun for me, so I won't hesitate to jump back in and mess with some features if it helps improve the face.
I also wanted to bring the low poly blend shape expressions together in Maya, so now we got everything relating to the face retopoed and ready for unwrapping.
Here's the wireframe for the head right now. Gotta figure out how I want to retopo the suit next. I think I wanna try and make it just a single mesh and connect everything together (and not have the suit be another outer piece of geometry). I guess I could reintroduce the blendshapes once everything else is combined and unwrapped? We'll see how it goes~
I think I'm ready to hop back on board with the dude and finish his textures next!
BTW how did u do the facial expressions? Is it blend shapes?
When sculpting the expressions is finished, I can just go back to the lowest subdivision and export it back into Maya for blend shape. I only need to unwrap the default head and I'm good to go. I add the high poly versions of the expressions to the normal map texture bake, which adds a little more oomph to the final look. I don't know if I can streamline the process any better in the future, but that's what I've done for both the dude and the dog in this project.
I havent had much experience with blend shapes but definitely want to do something with it in the future.
I finally had some time to update all of the Dude's materials, add and change some things (new eyeballs, eyelashes, face plugs, etc). I went in and balanced out the colors a little closer to the concept to try and match things up. Light was adjusted a little bit but I think it still might need some work.
After hearing some suggestions on discord I went in a very different direction with the jacket material, and would be super happy to hear some thoughts on the new look. Was it working better with the concept when it was shinier? Would it be better to find a middle ground? I think it'll help to go back to the dog for a little bit while I think about where to take it from here. Any other C&C are welcome and appreciated!
Hey, I think you're super close! I love this character and you've totally captured the concept in 3D. The two areas where it falls though, in my opinion, are the material of the yellow jacket, and then again in the material treatment of the leggings.
I would really suggest embracing a very specular/ reflective treatment for the yellow jacket, similar to these vinyl pants. Also, take note that even though the material is non-fabric (I guess no real warp and weft like cotton?), it still has stitch seams, and you can tell it's been cut and sewn together from panels.
Secondly, the leggings I believe you have a good base roughness, but now I feel it would greatly benefit from some fabric texture/ microdetail work, for suggestions sake the concept and overall future vibe feels like neoprene to me. Like a wetsuit fabric maybe.
Regardless of where you end up taking the materials, I really do love it a lot as is! Good job!