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Asking for 3D modeling advice

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Lysæna vertex
Hello ! I'm Lise, a new on polycount member. I'm student in video game art, and in a year and half i'll will be searching for job opportunities. I want to improve my skills, so I'd like to have reviews and advice on my 3D work. Thanks for watching and taking time to give feedbacks. :)

Here is my Artstation Portfolio : https://www.artstation.com/lysaena
For those who speaks french and want to see more (2D illustrations, animations etc), I also have a Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Lysaena/
My latest work : A rework of my epic game jam assets


  • artrynk
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    artrynk polycounter lvl 19
    at  first look -  Lights and composition. Unusual character .... and such weird and boring scene composition. I'll think "ohh, its Journey style character, but how non-intresting environment,what ruined impression" )))
  • Lysæna
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    Lysæna vertex
    artrynk said:
    at  first look -  Lights and composition. Unusual character .... and such weird and boring scene composition. I'll think "ohh, its Journey style character, but how non-intresting environment,what ruined impression" )))
    Could you be more specific and give advice ? Why do you think "boring and weird" ?
  • dGreenberg
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    dGreenberg polycounter
    Hey @Lysæna, I think your scene's lighting and material separation is hurting working against you right now. Besides the character's face/mask and stripped legs, everything muddles together since it looks like a similar value. I see the fish and the kelp stuff in the background, so I would guess that the scene is underwater, but you'll want to use light to create a focus and materials to help things stand out a little more. You'll also benefit from making the fish a little brighter or more colorful, and adding some variation to the kelp stuff so it doesn't look duplicated or scaled.

    I'd recommend trying to find a scene or composition that you like, and then try to bring the lighting or composition into your own work. Using lots of references or mood sheets can really help improve the read on things, and I hope you keep pushing forward. Good luck!
  • Lysæna
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    Lysæna vertex
    Thanks a lot dGreenberg ! I'll try to keep in mind your advice and improve my scene ! I feel a bit limited with the sketchfab tool to make lightings but it can be improved. I will work as soon as I can on materials and colours ! What you said about values is true, and I didn't noticed it until you told me !
    Thanks again
  • Freemouse
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    Freemouse polycounter lvl 4
    You have a solid base already that's nice ^^ besides the lighting I'd say you can try to improve how you use your UV space to be sure to have the best definition/quality as possible for your textures. In your Ker Ys scene, there are lots of holes and wasted space in 3 of your maps and one with too little space left between islands (the body) wich can be problematic if you decide to lower the size of the texture to put it in a game engine. :)
  • Lysæna
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    Lysæna vertex
    Thanks for your advice on UVs ! I just discovered the notion of "texel density" on a project I working on. I'm not sure how to properly use it, but it's already better when I create my UV maps.  I still have a lot to learn, and that's why I'm here , hehe !
  • Freemouse
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    Freemouse polycounter lvl 4
    Haha no problem, we all started at some point ! You can see UVs as a puzzle (a very boring and not funny one)  but it's really essential to understand how it works. Anyway, have fun learning and keep at it ! :)

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