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Art War 2 - The last straw of life

polycounter lvl 6
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Finalhart polycounter lvl 6
Hey everyone, I want to post my progress here for Art War 2 contest. I need some kick in the but so don't hold back if you want to give a critique. This is my current progress so far and some info about the character I'm making. Also link to Cubebrush thread here: https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/artwar-2-3d-the-last-straw-of-life-mauriccio/4501

I wanted to create a villain that was once a hero but was consumed by corrupted magic and became evil. For this character I want to show some emotions of someone really evil but at the same time, fighting against him because his acting against his will. This is probably my take on "Holy Knight meets Dark Knight" and see how I can create an interesting design with it. I also have a little background for the character:

"It had worked; the armor was stronger than the legends said, but also consumed a huge deal of energy, deteriorating his soul even more, and taking away control of himself.
The legend said that people who wore this armor would get their light side crushed, and then turned into power - so if completely evil persons were to equip/find this armor, they wouldn't get much profit out of it, since they lacked light. But then, there would be no reason for a pure person to ever desire this armor - only heavily conflicted people would get the best of it. The armor's darkest desire was to completely crush the victim's light side, which made this garment the perfect "light-slayer", using light's own power against the adversary.

Volke set off to fulfill his only mission, one that had blinded him since young - to defeat his elder brother, the one who was lucky enough to take up on the clan's leadership after his father passed away. He didn't mean to kill him, only defeat him so he could get the position he rightfully deserved."

Here is my current progress:

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