modelHi, thanks for your time. I've just completed the modeling of an asset for a first person game. I won't be subdividing and making maps for this, I want to use it as is. I am okay with sharp angles in some places that will seldom get camera space, and also this is a just a prototype for a game so no reason for me to spend years on each asset.
Anyway, I just kind of winged it as far as the topology goes. Don't really know what the usual methods are for this kind of thing. I figured any edge that wasn't holding shape could be welded away, so that's what I did. It is all triangles and polygons, and there is enough of the "innards" to be suitable for reloading near the camera.
Please don't bother looking for real-world replication in the model. I only attempted to get the general shapes and this is not based solely on one version of the FN Minimi. It is simplified to some degree, and in a few places I am going to use substance painter to add things like small bolts on the surface.
This smoothing error can be fixed easily
what is going on here?
And thanks for catching those n-gons. I'll need to go over it again apparently. But, what does smoothing groups mean exactly? I use Maya, and I thought smoothing groups was something 3dsMax specific?
The last photo -- that is a well where an AR-15 mag can be inserted. But maybe you knew that and you are asking about the bent polygon there. Well, I don't know about that. i probably just need to delete it and put another in. Looks like before I go to UV I'll need to go over a bit more thoroughly.
by the way, whenever I get advice from people I always check out their portfolio, just to be sure they do actually know what they are doing (because anybody could tell me anything and I might not know the difference between right and wrong), and I have to say your off-road racer models and game are just incredible.
1)Little Inaccurate, but it depends on you ref
2)problem with strange ngon
3) I would suggest to delete this edge loop, they affecting silhouetee too little
4) It is better to do sircles at this places, also unnecessary edge loop
5)unnecessary edges
Good luck
But my project in Maya looks clean right there. So I'm not sure what is causing that. In any case, I deleted and redid the geometry in that spot, so hopefully that should prevent further issues.
First of all, awesome work
On the magazine, if you really want to keep the ridge going down the middle of it, you could do the following:
Blue lines add edge loops, red line delete edge.
You need to just watch out for 5 (or more) sided faces known as ngons, you don't want any of those. As you mentioned you are looking for polys and tris only, unless you are modelling something organic that needs animation/deformation which would want only polygons
At the moment the face where I have added the blue lines in the first image has 9 verts, so although it may look like a polygon, it's actually an ngon.
P.S If the ridge along the mag is a separate object then the blue lines will go across to the right and left corners of the face.
Hope this is helpful
Merry Christmas!!