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Wooden Desk Chair

polycounter lvl 13
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brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
Working on finishing some more props from my class at CGMA. Here is a desk chair I made in Substance Painter and rendered in Marmoset.

Looking for comments and critiques. 

These are the most updated renders. (And I say renders but they are realtime in Marmoset, not like renders in 3ds Max that would take hours to render out like in the good old days.

I think the one chair is like 930 polys if you were wondering, I guess I could have put that in the image and maybe show the 2k maps.
If you have any questions or comment s, don't be shy.

I'm also working on making a Patreon support page for my "Props of the Month Club" where you can vote on which movie props I will create 1 to 2 props per week and share the 3D files as well. Here is the link for that:


Also, make sure to check out my other posts here on polycount.



  • wormo
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    wormo polycounter lvl 5
    looking pretty good but the specular feels too consistent to me... the wood feels too shiny like cheap veneer wood usually looks. nice work otherwise.
  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks Wormo, it does feel a bit like veneer. I made it in Substance Painter and mixed the wood texture with metal and the result was a cheap veneer look to the wood and the other maps for the seat, although I did change it a bit, look too much alike. I'm going to try going back to my old software Quixel... because of all the default materials that ship with it. Maybe a bit better for props with wood in them. 

  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    Sorry I didn't explain that last post. The chair is in Modo for UV mapping. I created a jpg image of noise and then did a motion blur because  I found that some of my UV's were horizontal on the back part where it should have been verticle. This is just a trick I came up with to make sure the direction of the wood is correct to the way it would really be built.

  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    Just going to throw this render out there, the materials are not tweaked.

  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13

    More of an updated version. My wood grain is going in the right direction now, but I do see a problem with the armrest.  It's not smoothed high poly enough because I'm experimenting with different high poly versions, but I should fix this issue.  Please let me know what you guys think.

  • MPearson
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    MPearson triangle
    This looks fantastic!

    My only criticism is that it looks to 'new' unless that was the look you were going for.

    If you were going for a more old, weathered look (Similar to your wooden desk that you have on your Artstation) It could do with some wear-and-tear on the wood and more importantly the brass/gold material.

    Lovely piece though :) Looking forward to seeing more progression!

  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    That's a great idea, I actually never even thought of that, was just going for a new good looking chair look. I will try that for sure and damage it up for a prop to go with it. smile:


    Also, I might put this high res shot on my Patreon fan page. If you want to see some other props, It's to raise money so that I can pay for Modo, all the props will be available to download the files and you can vote on which props I will create next. Here's a spoiler, I'm working on the 5th Element Zorg gun right now, so I hope people vote for that one but check it out here,

    Thanks everybody for looking and I can't wait to make more of these weekly prop projects for you guys.

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