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GoZ from Max?

polycounter lvl 3
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thirteen13 polycounter lvl 3
When I use GoZ from Max to ZBrush, the model does not show up in the viewport, it's only there in the tool shelf. I have to manually drag it into the viewport, which makes it way off in some off center location. How do I make the model automatically show up in the viewport where it should be?


  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    There is some stuff going on with GoZ and certain versions of Max. Maybe someone can solve your problem with a simple click, but in the meantime drag the tool onto the canvas in ZBrush then hit unify under the tool menu/ deformation. That will set the model at ZBrush's optimal scale and zero the axis position in ZBrush. Once you have done that GoZ the tool back to Max and play with the Export settings till it is at (almost) perfect scale and position in Max. You can place a transparent box at the optimal size and position in Max and GoZ from ZBrush altering the export settings (at the bottom of the tool menu) till it fits. Then only use the Goz version to further model in Max. Sending it back to ZBrush should now work perfectly.
  • thirteen13
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    thirteen13 polycounter lvl 3
    I'm using Max 2017 if that makes a difference.
  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    Just got this back from Autodesk:

    I just had this issue and solved it by:- in Max, click on the model part you want to work on and GoZ- in ZB, create an instance of your model and enter Edit Mode- to keep working, back in Max, do Preferences/Init ZBrush and press "Yes" on warning popup Repeat the above for the others mesh parts. Hope this helps ! P.S.: who is to blame ? Autodesk or Pixologic or Microsoft ? Main thing we keep creating !Hope this helps.
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