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[UE4] The Old Village

polycounter lvl 7
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youssef achari polycounter lvl 7
This is a personal project I've been working on in my spare time based off an old picture of a house. 
All tileable material were hand-sculpted in Zbrush and textured inside Substance Designer. running in Unreal Engine 4.Hope you like it!

80lvl Interview: https://80.lv/articles/romanian-village-production-in-ue4/



  • Nini
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    Nini polycounter lvl 9
    very nice materials! :)

  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    Great modelling and materials! A few tweaks to the lighting, even just in the post processing, could make it really stand out. Darken the shadows and make them a bit more blue, and brighten up the lit areas a bit and:

  • stilobique
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    stilobique polycounter lvl 12
    Nice ! Can you try to play with your lighting ? A night rendering can be great.
  • youssef achari
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    youssef achari polycounter lvl 7

    @nini Thanks man, by the way i love your works!

    @FreneticPonies   Its look really cool more detail have been shown up. Thank you for your feedback!

    @stilobique  Yeah it will look scaaary hhh, I'll see what I can do!

  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Really stellar environment, loving everything I see here, from lighting to the materials. The set dressing is really effective as well, congratulations!

    I really want to emphasize how much I'm really loving this lighting, I can feel the warmth and the cozy vibe of a small village. I like how you controlled how dark the pixels may get at any given point in the histogram, getting away from that very busy look you see so often with these lighting setups, with this post processing you're really selling the pastel and soft vibe of a sunrise time of day.

    I think the house could benefit from some sort of foundation trim where the exterior walls meet the floor, even a little trim of rocks making a skirt around the house would blend it with the floor a little better. Or maybe even a small sidewalk around the house.
    Also, usually shrubs grow on these spots so a bit of greenery in the floor next to the house would make it even more believable.

  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    looks great, but right now everything has almost the same value in terms of brightness and contrast on the house. maybe making the wood trims like 10-15% darker, and the door could make the forms pop a bit more, right now some of the structure is melding together, especially with the warm lighting. Im talking a very subtle tweak though. awesome work, the HP for the materials looks dope.
  • MattN
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    MattN triangle
    Looks really dam awesome! Only thing I would suggest as HP said some sort of trim where the ground and bricks meet. I don't think it even needs to be a special brick or anything, some more variance in the terrain height would work and maybe a build up of weeds, plants etc. Some quick examples of what I mean, Example 1  Example 2
  • ActionDawg
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    ActionDawg greentooth

    My edits on how more life could be brought to the scene. Bring the white balance back to get rid of the global yellow tone and utilize the value range better while slightly boosting contrast.
  • youssef achari
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    youssef achari polycounter lvl 7

    @[HP] Thank you so much! I really appreciate your feedback!

    Yes you right in those spots its need more works, I did add a ground texture in those areas of the house to match the floor, but I think it didn't help much, the shrubs and little bit of greenery it will help much more. Thanks again and also your works are always stunning, keep it up!

    PixelMasher Yes true its need some variation in the wood, some forms need to show up more,Thank you for your suggestion!

    @MattN Thank you for the reference, yes it will look more believable and it will help to blend between the floor and the house. Thanks again!

    @somedoggy Cool you gave it another look, Thanks man!

  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I actually completely disagree with somedoggy. I feel the lighting look you have right now is perfect and the tonal change somedoggy did completely changes the time of day it looks like your scene is in and ruins the mood. The change just makes it feel like a average mid day where your original feels like a warming setting sun.

    Much like HP I really love the lighting and mood of this piece. Honestly the only thing I would adjust in that regard is trying to get more red orange in the lower part of the sky to really sell that warm late afternoon feel. Great work though!
  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    Agreed with @Autocon , overbright white lighting that looks like it's coming from flourescent lights or something. Desaturates the colors and doesn't doe anything for the mood.

    The orange and teal you almost have now is perhaps overused but it's a classic for color contrast. Just stick with it.
  • macoll
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    macoll polycounter lvl 14
    Stunning work, gratz...very 'Assassin's Creed-ish' mood if you ask me ;)
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    This is fantastic, great work man.
  • youssef achari
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    youssef achari polycounter lvl 7

    @Autocon Thank you very much for your feedback!

    Your breakdown for the Madagascar environment was really inspiring!

    @FreneticPonies Y
    es sure, Thanks again!

    @macoll Hhh Thanks for the comparison!

    @m4dcow Thanks man!

  • ActionDawg
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    ActionDawg greentooth
    @Autocon It should have at least some push towards using a fuller range, but going back and reviewing the video I'd now put the mids a little lower than I originally did. In the end the key things I was getting across in that gif can't be fully realized without tonemapping from HDR and should be taken more liberally.

    However, if the yellower global tint is wanted it needs to have that complimented by a change in sky/atmospheric conditions to better match the desired look, followed by a brighter sun that's reigned back in with a nicely weighted tonemap. The current sun/sky environment suggest an average bright clear day whereas the overall tonemapped scene is much more muted and yellow. There's a conflict to be resolved and both lighting and tonemapping tweaks could be used in tandem to fix it.
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