So I'm in my final year at Uni, and am working on my 3D Modelling Final Project, but I'm also working on my portfolio for after I graduate. I was wondering if I could get some feedback on what I have so far, and any advice on where to focus next. Link is provided down below.
Most people on here don't have the time to click on links.
You might also specify if you're doing environment art or characters or props or......
You also have a higher chance to get answers if you write the questions you want answering instead of asking for advice on where to go next. You are the only one who knows where you want to go with your art. So tell us where you want to go, and people might be able to tell you how to get there
2. Tree asset is not well made. There are leaves floating in space instead of being attached to any branches. The leaves themselves also appear to be just one leaf repeated over and over. There needs to be variances in shape, size and even color.
3. You need a better Barn reference. Bump map is excessively strong, and the lighting on it feels very diffuse. You need to create a material with a roughness that's closer to paint, and for more variation, create the underlying wood layer underneth.
4. The ground texture for the Barn scene is just one grass tile repeated over. Look into vertex painting and texture blending to add more ground detail. The terrain itself is also flat. Where are rocks, dirt, plants that show there is life?
5. Some of your fences are missing poles.
6. There's no background detail. I.e mountains, cityscape, water etc. It just ends at the horizon.
As for your focus, you need to start on one asset and make it a good one. If you're going into games, you need to show you can model both a hi-poly and low poly assets complete with all the PBR maps done to closer accuracy. When you've gotten good with one asset, you can move onto a more a complex prop like a car engine.
Take a look at other portoflios in AAA as well. When I was in school, that wasn't focused on which hurt me in the months that came after. This thread has a certified amount of artists who did get a job with their portfolio. You need to match or surpass the quality that they posted.
Now I sorta picked these randomly so they might not be the style you want but quality is what I'm getting at. Pick something you want to make and try to get as close to AAA quality as you possibly can. Do some nice breakdown shots, wires, textures, and post with nice presentation.
modelling = English
Modeling = American English.
Hope this clarifies things