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WIP - Spacestation Interior (Exo Skeleton of Earth) Blockout.

polycounter lvl 2
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MilesBishop polycounter lvl 2
Hi guys!
 I'm just blocking out some shapes for my next scene just wondering how's composition? Not sure if the perspective, especially the structures (beams) around the earth (Round thingy).

 In the containers in the foreground I'm hoping to put shrubs and plants. The general idea of the shot is the vegetation/view deck room in a space station that is surrounding earth. Will be continuing with assets after tomorrow.

All help would be lovely! thanks.


  • wormo
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    wormo polycounter lvl 5
    can you show a wider shot so we can see more of what the space is like? or is this for a still shot? if this is for a still I feel like you'll want a little less focus on the plants based on your description. just lower the camera a little and angle it up a bit.
  • MilesBishop
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    MilesBishop polycounter lvl 2
    hi Wormo, it's going to be a still shot perhaps from a few angles tho. I've adjusted the camera a bit and added some extra assets. 
    Hopefully this reads a little better. Still might angle the camera up a bit more.
    I've started the plant bed asset too.

     Is the highlighted corner acceptable? or is there a better way to model that section as I'm applying it to the rest of the gaps.

    Thanks :)
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