Hi everyone, I come with a bit crazy idea, but I think that if I execute well it can be interesting, so I'll make an Ekko skin ''Renaissance''.
I decide to choose Ekko champion cause I think he got some interesting shapes, gadgets and silhouette,and this theme to play with a nice color palette, different materials and also shapes and silhouette. So here I show a simple collage of some images of the main idea.
Good luck to all the participants!!
I think the main issue with these colors is that many of them are really close in value, and they are also all really saturated. If you grayscale the image, you'll notice that the skin tone, the blue vest, the red parts and even the dark blue of the bracers are all very close in value.
I would try to separate areas not just by hue, but by value as well. One particularly powerful way to do this is to design the value scheme first. I would keep the main value blocks down to only 4 shades: white or near white, black or near black, light gray and dark gray. After you come up with a strong arrangement of value blocks that reads well at a distance, it will be much easier to assign colors to these areas. Just make sure you keep the value relationship intact when you add the colors.
Also, if all the colors are saturated, none of them stand out in particular. A color will only stand out as being bright when it's set against neutrals. I would choose two colors to play up, and make everything else a lot more muted. This will make the colors that you choose to play up really pop. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's that contrast in saturation that will actually make your character appear colorful, and not so much having a very high saturation on everything.
I really appreciate this super kindly useful comments Wendy, so I'll work on that
Anyway he's looking great, your sculpt is flawless and although I didn't expect this color palette, it turns out pretty well (after adjustments )
I'm not sure you should use so much white/light color for his pants,
Just throwing an idea here, I'm no color expert though and I worry for this part when I'll get there
Keep up the good work
But I'll consider this idea man
I'm agree with all you guys, I have all this notes in mind, I'll play with the 2 pants versions; with colors and dark colors.And I like the idea to pops up the colors blue and yellow, and play with the values and HUE saturation
Thank's all you guys for your nice comments and feedback
2nd: Just looking at his head, it would be a great start for a candy and whipped cream skin for Ekko too. ^^
3rd: I am not sold on the shoulders. The upward spikes dont really say "rennaissance" if you ask me.
I was thinking about the same (candy skin) because of the colors, but I think that I'll match the colors to the shapes :P
Yeah, maybe I can add something on the shoulder, I'll see how its looking
It still need some tweaks, but its on the way ^^
"Things to keep in mind
I wanted to use emissive too so I kinda tried to read between the lines just in case :P Maybe the question has been asked somewhere on the forum.
Love the effect on the hourglass *o* Your texture looks super clean. Maybe you should desaturate the golden parts tho, as it stands out a bit too much compared to the rest in my opinion.
Good luck I'll try to be a worthy oponnent
>> "Can I use other maps other than Diffuse?
Yes. You can use Alpha maps."
Diffuse + Alpha(if needed) only. I'll say try painting the fx manually on texture its looking nice.
And thanks for the nice comments!
So here I share just a simple pose test (is not the final one) I just want to play with the basic rig and skinning :P
So here I making some test of my character at Summoner’s Rift map
you certainly on my top 5 !!!!
Here I share another pose test before start the deliver material
Very nice renders so far, keep it up Chemotoledo!!!