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WW's stuff: I feel like something is wrong with this somewhere.

polycounter lvl 3
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Werewoof polycounter lvl 3

I am a self-taught artist. I've been attempting to get better in earnest and off, but these days, I really want to get better, whatever that may imply. 

I only have this to show for constructive criticism. I'm reasonably proud of the final result, but something about it still bugs me. 

8AD D06

My best guess is that the biggest issue(s) lie(s) within the area circled in faint red. I spent an unusually long time there, and I feel it still needs something, but I don't know what. The majority of what I tried changing during the original process didn't seem to help.

I don't know if anyone else sees this too. If they do, I have a feeling that it's a problem of contrast (more precisely, the lack thereof between his right hand and the sign)?

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions and thoughts about this, and what should be changed/added/removed in order to fix it. I would also be stupidly appreciative of any other fix-suggestions elsewhere!

Thanks a ton,


  • Werewoof
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    Werewoof polycounter lvl 3
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Please?
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Yeah I think you're right in pointing out the sign as a problem area. Thought I think it is more an issue of light and rendering just coming together most noticeably in that area. So the light needs to be consistent, you've got a gradient on the sign but not on the lettering. The shadows from the hand are very soft but you have cast light from the top right (like the cast shadow of the ear). I think you're also fighting value ranges. Your shadows appear relatively the same value despite the local value. The shadow of the sweater and the shadow of the muzzle for instance. Of course that value span can be altered by material type. What I mean as far as rendering is essentially just stroke economy. If you committed on the sign and just blocked it in, you might not be so bothered by it. I think you're seeing it overworked, which ironically makes you want to work it more to get it "right" ... but that's often what causes the departure in style and looseness that is nice about the rest of it. Also, it's becoming more visually prominent in the image than the facial expression. 
  • Werewoof
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    Werewoof polycounter lvl 3
    Fantastic analysis! Thank you so much!

    You raise a ton of good points about issues I probably would never have caught. I wasn't even thinking about the closeness of value between the shadows, that's a great observation. I also had a feeling that the sign was taking a little too much away from the face. I ought to try playing with the sign values to see if they could resolve the values with the hands to a greater degree. Good point about the cast shadow, too.
    I think, once the semester ends, I'll spend a good deal of time creating material balls and then try to use them faithfully in scenes. 

    Another few discrepancies I notice now:
    • The directly-lit side of his "mane" shares a very close value with the background, making it harder to see his shape than it ought to be.
    • If his ear is casting such an intense shadow, then not only his hands should reflect that, but also the area to the left. The cast doesn't need to be intense, but I think it he should block out some light, as he doesn't seem to be blocking out any at all.

    Thanks again for the rock solid eyes!  
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Cool, glad it was helpful. I may be stating the obvious, but for your own analysis just try squinting when you look at the image. Things will really pop out at you. This is essentially the "6 foot rule" or the thumbnail view. Step back, squint, zoom out, etc., just to lose sight of the details and get a good read on what your values are doing. 
  • Werewoof
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    Werewoof polycounter lvl 3
    It was incredibly helpful. I do try to look at pictures from a distance first and foremost, and this one kept bothering me from further away. So here's my edit:

    It's not a huge change, but I'm more at peace with it than I was. I still don't know if I'm totally satisfied, but I may lack the artistic experience yet to get there. I might go back in on it some day. 

    Obviously, I know critique takes time out of your day, and I wouldn't expect a follow up after your gracious donation of your time (again, THANK YOU), but if you feel inclined, I am always open for further critique, here or elsewhere!

    Thanks again,
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