Hey all! Ok, in the correct place now!
Ok so I have some thumbnails here, and one rough sketch. Let me know what you think of the thumbs, but I think I might re think the thumbnails, since I would like more of a focus on storytelling.
Here are the thumbnails:

And here is the first rough sketch:

Comments and critique are always welcome from you guys! Good luck, and happy drawing!!
I haven't decided one yet, but I'm leaning towards the top left, bottom left and bottom right.
Feel free to chime in to which one! I will officially name this post once I've decided!
Good luck, and happy drawing!!
here is my progress so far!
Again, waaay far away from being finished, but Im trying a new approach to painting this one, and i think its working out for me.
Also, Im working on another entry starring Blitzcrank. I might post that one too, but I'll have to re read the rules to make sure Im not mistaken.
C&C are always welcome! Thanks guys!
Good luck, and happy painting!!
Well, here is a WIP of the Ziggs painting. Since this is going to be a story driven painting, I want to make sure to nail the environment! I got some feedback on the lighting from my dad who happens to be an artist as well, so I made sure to add all the new changes. I also tried to clutter up the workshop a bit more, but im not done adding clutter yet!
here is the room:
and here is the room with Ziggs in it:
he is still really rough, but im happy with the overall result! A little ambient occlusion on ziggs, maybe increase his size a little, and then add a cast shadow from him, and I think he will fit in fine!
As always, C&C are more than welcome!
Happy painting guys!
As always C&C are welcome!
Happy painting!
As always, Critique and Comments are always welcome!
Happy painting!
So i feel like I made a breakthrough or two as an artist during this competition! I was listening to an interview Bobby Chiu was doing on Chiustream, and the artist he was interviewing (Wouter Tulp) talked about how in an amateur artist's painting, every aspect of the painting is so rendered and detailed, the painting becomes stiff. He recommended that artists place more rendering on the focal point(s) of the painting and less on the rest of the painting. He even suggested to go so far as to leave some parts of the painting unfinished! I noticed a lot of other people in this contest, and also the illustrators who work for Riot doing the same thing, even putting blur effects on the background. I trued to pull these things into my painting. I figured out that I was unhappy with the way the bomb in the foreground looked, and I figured out that it was because there was no surface texture on it! So I looked at some reference of cannon balls online, pulled some of my own reference textures into the painting, then re painted over them to give it an iron-like texture. I have to say, Im pretty happy with the results! I still have a bit to go on it, but I feel like Im getting really close to finishing it!
Here's that Chiustrem if you want to check it out!
Here's the image!