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Riasroc null
Hey Polycount people! I finally got around to making an account today after lurking for many years.
For starters here's my work https://www.artstation.com/tj-art
I recently graduated and have been working on my portfolio nonstop. Lately I feel like I've hit a wall and was wondering if I could get some critique from you all. Don't hold back! Also if anyone would be interested in being a mentor or just open to giving me advice at random times that'd be great!


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    This is a solid start.  Some of the pieces I could see being used in some games.

    Strongest piece is probably your Dark Solider.  Weakest is Thing.  Thing should just be removed completely unless you can give it a proper rendering scene.

    The Assassin's face is really hurting it.  The legs and clothes seem decent, but the hair and face need more love.  At distance it reads muddy and undstinct.  Whatever the sculpt was needs more love and care.  If the simplicity of the face was a style decision, I'm not seeing it.  Dae Hoon's faces are pretty monotone in terms of faces across a lot of his concepts, but even they still have some strong sense of form.  I'd take a look at Asian MMO character art assets to get a sense of what I'm tallking about (Black Desert, the new Lineage game, Final Fantasy XV, etc.)  Hair needs to to have the head's vertex normals transferred to it so the normals can be unified.  Individual hair strands are also not being distinct against each other on each card; they need additional ao, normals, etc to get them popping but not separated too much.

    The skin on the Dark Soldier and Assassin would look tons better if you applied a detail normal map of skin pores and subsurface scattering on em (but a strong sculpt can only make this work).

    I'd post your sculpts too.

    The good thing that I'm seeing is that you can get game assets done.  That's a lot to be said for uni graduates.

    Fabric on something like the Assassin need's stronger distinct normals for their actual thread pattern.  They're reading flat instead of tangible.

    The muscle insertions that you have on Dark Soldier are not quite reading correctly.  You have the edges at where muscle meet more of this soft valley instead of a sharper line.

    Take a look at this Dwarf Slayer's muscles and see how a tad sharper of a line it is as the pectoral muscles insert into that corner of the deltoid.  Though it's still this soft convex curve going into the insertion.

    I got good feels about you, mate.  You're making good strides I think.
  • Riasroc
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    Riasroc null
    Thanks for responding Brian I really appreciate it!
    I'll remove Thing then since I've also been thinking about removing it. I don't think it's a very good sculpt especially when looking at other angles.
    I agree with your comments on the Assassin. That was the first time I had made a "game ready" human head so I had no clue how to texture the face or do hair cards. Honestly I still don't so I'll make sure to focus more in that area. Overall I personally think I missed the mark on the Assassin since the forms don't reflect Dae Hoon's original concept. I'd like to revisit it sometime later. Do you recommend any hair tutorials I could follow?
    I'll make sure to put more detail into my skin sculpts going forward. I showed the sculpt in the dark assassin post should I have closer shots or are those fine? Should I render them or just take screenshots?
    Going forward I will work on my finer details within sculpts and overall anatomy. I think I need to just sit down and do more anatomy sculpts.
    Thanks again for responding Brian and I'm sorry for this onslaught of questions I'm just really excited to improve.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    A place to start for hair

    Render out sexy screenshots of your sculpt.  Terminology you're using is kind of confusing.  Everytthing visual on a PC gets rendered.  Screenshots are images rendered of a screen.

  • Riasroc
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    Riasroc null
    Sorry for that. I meant using Arnold or Vray with some lighting for rendering as opposed to just using the snipping tool straight out of Zbrush. I'll make some high quality renders from now on. Thanks for the link btw.
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