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Can anyone come up with NEW and REASONABLE designs for Sci-Fi environments?

polycounter lvl 8
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Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
I am making a first-person-shooter in a Sci-Fi setting/environment. Here you can see some of the first WIP videos from it:

desert facility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAn_s4VSyIs&t=5s
corridor scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QulHJVHE3BQ

For the exteriors and interiors I would like to implement designs/styles that are both NEW (unseen before) and REASONABLE (make sense, fit a purpose, are logically...). So maybe new materials allow other architecture elements, new fashion results in design styles, new machines offer unseen appliances, and so on.
Who can come up with something like that? Any format would help me, from sketchbook-designs to complete 3d models.

What I don't need are the usual few recycled Sci-Fi designs we all know from movies like 2001, Blade runner, Alien and so on. Not round or 6-sided corridors that have useless panels all over. No lights and switches everywhere. Please avoid all those clichees.

Ideally the game has consistent design at exteriors and interiors (think of art deco as an exitsting consistent example from e.g. facades to dishes).  So several fields of design are required/possible here from architecture, interior design, product design...and more.


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Is this paid work or volunteer work?
  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    Is this paid work or volunteer work?
    This in the 3d art showcase... I think OP is asking for help with ideas... ? 
  • Vollgaser
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    Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
    Yes, i was wondering if anyone can showcase such abilities from his works. For me going thru hundreds of threads here is not really the most efficient way to go.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    This might help if you haven't looked through yet.

  • Vollgaser
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    Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
    @Brian "Panda" Choi: thanks but not really. As I am looking for something pretty peculiar. Mostly standard stuff there and character designs. My request needs a lot of creativitiy in fields like architecture, interior designs and more. not every concept artist has got those.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Well are you hoping for something like Gaudi's modernist sensibilities?

    You keep repeating the same synonyms of "new" without specifying a specific aesthetic like "NASA practical" or "post-impressionist," etc.

    It's like an art director saying "make it cool" and then being disappointed that he/she didn't get exactly what they wanted.  We need more specification.

  • Vollgaser
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    Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
    @Brian "Panda" Choi: by "new" i mean unseen styles before. the examples art-deco, Gaudi, NASA, 2001, Alien and so on exist already. I am looking for a style that does not exist yet. I want people to come up with a never-before-seen style, not copy of modify an existing one.

    By "reasonable" i mean that the design and its features should make sense. this could be a purely new design idea, or rather designs that result from new materials that might exist in the future (e.g. very thin or strong materials, flexible ones, organic, alien...whatever). Also designs that follow or result from future technology, eg. machines, applications, new physics allowing stuff not possible today. also new designs could result from e.g. combining uses to save space or resources...similar to replacing a seperate frame on a car by making the components hold it together and provide stiffness or flexibility. another existing example would be e.g. use the dishwashers top-side as work-surface in the kitchen. 
    So here the creative porcess would start from the "reason" side e.g. think of new technology and then resulting from that could be designs created that fit to this technology.

  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    Vollgaser said:
    @Brian "Panda" Choi: by "new" i mean unseen styles before. the examples art-deco, Gaudi, NASA, 2001, Alien and so on exist already. I am looking for a style that does not exist yet. I want people to come up with a never-before-seen style, not copy of modify an existing one. 
    I'm confused. Are you then looking for people to come up with that style..... for what? For your work? 
    For payment? for a project etc?
    I do believe this is in the wrong section then.
  • Vollgaser
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    Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
    This is the showcase thread, and i would like people to showcase such designs, if they have such or can make such.
    As its not economically for me to get thru thousands of threads that are 99,9 % about something else like characters.
    Also its possible that people who can do or have such designs wich Iam looking for already, but never published them anywhere on the web. That is why I am asking here for people to showcase them, as the people by themself know best what they have or can do or like to do.

    Do you recommend another section that might be better suited for my search?
  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    yes, in the work section. as this is the section for you to showcase your designs.. not others to showcase for you.
    You are essentially looking for someone else to work for you so you can get ideas. And hence this should be in the work section.. 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The way you're wording this, you're asking people to furnish ideas like it's a commission.

    That's work.

    Also, I would assert your search for something "new" is gonna be bunk.  As Ecclesiastes quips, "Nothing is new under the sun."  All art is referencing/inspired/etc. from something else.  Anything aesthetic that stands on its own is almost impossible to actually find.  It's gonna be economically unvviable for you to attempt to find anything new by most methods.

    Unless you mean juse new for you.

    We can help if you're looking in a specific aesthetic or something.  Once again asking for something just "new" is an unweildy large pie to ask people to sift through.  This is frustrating, bad direction advice to just  find something "new."
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Vollgaser said:
    I am looking for a style that does not exist yet. 
    Futuristic Space Africa on the moon painted in watercolor.

    Seriously, outside of Egypt, African ideas are rarely used in pop culture despite there being ton of history. Design futuristic buildings based off the Songhai Empire.
  • Vollgaser
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    Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
    New art and -styles are created all the time and will also be in the future. I did not say that it cant be inspired by something.
    @ Jordan: You can take youre inspiration from wherever you like as long as it meets the 2 critera NEW and REASONABLE
    @Brian: i did not ask for reasons why you think its not possible to create a new style or why you cant come with something new. I am looking for creative people who can.
    Also don't want to start an art discussion here, as I am just looking for artists who can showcase such stuff.
    If here are none of those, then fine.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    You're taking a wildly entitled tone here for someone asking for help. Much less something almost unreasonably difficult, without any offer of compensation.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    I think you're looking at this the wrong way.

    There are already free ideas and inspiration out there to create what you want. Note the word "free".
    Once you start tailoring your request to be something very specific so that it benefits you and your game, you're basically asking for a service.

    Now I understand that you don't want to do mainstream/generic stuff. That's fine. But also realize that doesn't put you in a unique position. There are hundreds of games/movies out there that don't look like Star Wars. They're also the same games that go unrecognized unless they can prove themselves in another department (i.e better gameplay, story, graphics etc).

    Hence why I brought up the Futuristic Africa idea. It is NEW and REASONABLE, but for the same reasons either you have put in the work, or pay someone with the expertise to leverage that idea.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    have you tried looking for assets in the unreal marketplace?
  • MrBFox
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    MrBFox greentooth
    Whats the story/setting/themes for this? the visual look of it will probably be derived/dependent on those for direction, you say you want new, but to what ends? and how does this 'newness' service your games ideas outside of looking cool.
    you mentioned some ideas about future tech, have you tried visualising these through concepts/ thumbnails?
  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    Setting aside the wrong forum section and how bad your way of asking is, what you ask is really big. If I took the time to come up with something good and unique, I would definately NOT just give it to you. Especially for free. Unique ideas are unique for a reason. You are basically asking for people to step on, to showcase YOUR individuality.
  • Auldbenkenobi
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    Auldbenkenobi polycounter lvl 11
    I actually kind of like what you've got in your videos already.
  • defragger
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    defragger sublime tool
    Yeah like we are all sitting here with amazing never before seen sci-fi stuff on our hard drives just waiting for someone on polycount to finally ask for it. Then we should be flattered and grateful for someone using our ideas and design work, if it matches your requirements of course. Otherwise back to the drawing board artist peasants.

    I can´t believe how many people are giving actual useful advice here. Instead of reading this we should rather take the time to give some new artist critique on their portfolio work!
  • Vollgaser
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    Vollgaser polycounter lvl 8
    I found 2 designers from another community, that showed promising designs.
    So I would like to kind of close or delete this thread here, but there are no such options.
    Therefore you may kind of go on with youre discussion here.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    defragger said:
    I can´t believe how many people are giving actual useful advice here. Instead of reading this we should rather take the time to give some new artist critique on their portfolio work!
    IMO, this is the wrong attitude to have.

    I think it's better to engage with opposing ideas and actually explain why/how they're making mistakes instead of walking away mid conversation with no lesson to be learned.

    Otherwise, we end up with a self fulling prophecy.  An artist may never think they're wrong, because they had no one to question them.
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