Hi there everyone! I'm Kairui/Kairuichan! I love to do a lot of fan illustrations for League of Legends as well as fan skin concepts. You have have a look at them over on my
deviantArt. I've been a freelance illustrator for about 5 years, but I picked it up full time 2 years ago. League of Legends is one of my favorite games, so I never miss a chance to do some League art! I'm going to be doing a few submissions, but here's my first one for that new champion hype, Zoe.
I'll be updating this daily until it's completed!
Current work in progress:

Adding some very base shading and working with the background a tiny bit. Hair will be in the foreground as well as the stars and such underneath the hair to reinforce the "aspect of twilight" feeling.
Another update tomorrow!
We will miss you tiny sun with sunglasses!