Hey! Excited for this contest, I want to hopefully get around to multiple entries. so many awesome characters to choose from to paint, first that came to mind though was Ziggs. Started some rough thumbnails to explore, so far I like the long canvas sketch the best.
good stuff, i would say that there is a good point of attention with that vertical lighting and the constrast done by the bomb but at the same time it doesen't fell he is jumping from is ability anymore , it have a really werid feeling of a bomb explosion that it is still intact or a random explision , so keep an eye on that . but aside that good work and original concept and approach , keep goign !!
@madeamedafunk Thanks for the advice! I'll try fixing it, I'm exaggerating the explosion with the nuke like affect a bit compared to the in game version.
Little bit of an update, foreshortening isn't looking quite right on the figure atm.
splash in a vertical format? cool rendering so far, dig the upward lighting, makes ziggs look crazy which is good. I think a stronger composition could be found though, just does'nt have the punch it could. good luck and i look forward to seeing more. Ill ass ya on twitch
Little bit of an update, foreshortening isn't looking quite right on the figure atm.
Also here's my twitch stream, I've been streaming the majority of the process.
Finally done, it changed a lot through the process.