What to createA short piece of fiction that describes a League of Legends Champion doing the thing that makes them awesome.
What to keep in mind- Keep it short. Seriously. 1000 words tops. Hook us quickly. Make every word count.
- Don’t tell us about the champion. Show them to us in their world. Make them live and breathe.
- Even short pieces have narrative structure. Give us conflict and resolution.
What to deliver- A short piece of fiction in English (1000 words maximum) submitted as a PDF
What Riot will judgeWe’ll be looking at how you express character, conflict & resolution, setting, point of view, and voice in a tight narrative package.
Ready to submit?
I think it's bad that they only allow writing in English, we have people who have potential in Spanish and other languages and are losing that talent because they can not speak the language, it's just my opinion
Bue, esperemos nos lean de todas formas xD