I am having a problem with my material or standard primitives in 3Ds max. Whenever i create a plane, and have done nothing to it, but applying a standard material with a bitmap in the diffuse slot the UVW is messed up. This results in the bitmap being tiled up on the plane that i've just created.
Here is an illustration:
The plane to the right is the one i have just created an applied my material on where the bitmap is tiled. The one on the left is with the same material expect that I have put the bitmap size to 1 and I have uvw unwrapped it to get the result, that I normally get when creating a plane or any other object.
Do any of you have a suggestion to what is wrong and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
The two materials that i have just are these two:
The first one is with the bitmap size set to 1 and the second one is with bitmap size set to 48, which was the default setting.
Is this normal? As far as i remember the bitmap is usually just tiled one time in the material editor?