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Want a faster retopo! What is the best for retopo??

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Isiktor vertex
So far I have been using maya quad draw and for the most part I get good low poly mesh. The problem is that is takes quite a while (like a couple days) to do a retopo for even a bust. 

What program is the best for retopo and what programs do you guys use??



  • bounchfx
    Personally I like using Topogun, I find it quite fast but a lot of people also swear by 3D Coat. They have similar tools, but 3DCoat has a pretty good auto-retopologizer too. it's not unlike Zbrush's ZRemesher where you can place guide lines to suggest where it builds the geo. You could probably just use ZRemesher too but it depends on what your budget is, and if it's something that needs specific topology to be able to deform properly.

    I think Maya's quad draw is a solid alternative for people not wanting to buy or use an additional program, but it can be slower in many ways, while convenient in others (simple or smaller meshes). But yeah - check out either Topogun or 3D-Coat
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I don't think Topogun has any features at this point that are not found in Maya 2018.
  • bounchfx
    Grimwolf said:
    I don't think Topogun has any features at this point that are not found in Maya 2018.
    eh. perhaps the tubes tool? which is great for fingers and limbs, anything cylindrical really. but you can probably do that a different way in maya just fine. besides that, no. It's just the feel. I can work far faster in TG than in Maya, and I like the quad draw tool just fine.
  • Isiktor
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    Isiktor vertex
    I was really looking at the guide lines that you can use in topogun or 3d coat just to get some areas done faster. I did find that quad draw got pretty slow but fixed with deleting the history BUT it would slow down again pretty soon after that. I think I will try each and just find the one that is right for me and buy it 

    Thanks for the reply :smile:

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Isiktor said:
    I was really looking at the guide lines that you can use in topogun or 3d coat just to get some areas done faster. I did find that quad draw got pretty slow but fixed with deleting the history BUT it would slow down again pretty soon after that. I think I will try each and just find the one that is right for me and buy it 

    Thanks for the reply :smile:

    Are you doing cimples or hi res retopo work? I use  I use max's polydraw. I tried Topogun but found it frustrating. Strange to hear your having a slow time in Maya. Polydraw allows me to hop in and out of it and use standard modeling tools when I need them. 3Dcoat seems pretty groovey though I never tried it for retopo.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
  • gnoop
  • McNistor
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    Check out Houdini 16.5. The Apprentice version is free and you can do retopo work and export as it as an .obj file.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    3ds max is what I use most for retopology as it saves me switching tools, but max has a better toolset imo. 

    a supplementry topology app I can reccomend is instant meshes https://www.blendernation.com/2015/11/16/instant-meshes-a-free-qaud-based-autoretopology-program/ use your discretion on how and where you use this but it can make some things so much faster, and some meshes much more workable
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