Working on some weapons for my game, have been very inactive in the last because I worked so much on the game
The images as seen here will be used as icons ingame and rendered out much smaller on the player character
Here the two latest:
Modernized AEK-971, notably the edgy dust cover and handguard

AA12, guess I violated that one

Really worth the iteration time on the AA12, maybe the best so far
Details are a bit off because they will never be seen as big as above
I can only take full credit for the render/materials/textures/style tho, I am usually not modeling the base of the weapon
and am modeling and changing stuff around that foundation. I did a lot of remodeling on the AA12, less on the AEK-971
Weaponmenu ingame:

Ill post more over time, there are 40 weapons already tho!

(You can play the
Demo here: - trailer coming when I get to it..
Really give it a try, gunplay, thats the good part about the game not the art)
Some more
This was my first iteration
Now the latest
Hm @Mad_Llama the lighting is deliberate, I wanted it to fade into black towards the bottom as the backgrounds are usually black and I feel if I do too much it will look out of place in the game, which is already far more minimalistic than the weapons
ATM I use a setup with 1 directional light, HDRI and 3 fill lights
Now that you mention it im giving it another shot. I use an additional left rim now for all the images now, but I want to keep the bottom darkness. The legendary weapons will probably see something more fancy later but results just vary so strongly from weapon to weapon.
Keep in mind the shots I post here dont have color grading, that also does a lot
The ingame color grading is much more complex but this is a approximation
Some more:
If you click on the image on top, youll see a clip where I upgrade a weapon
There are 21 attachments, each time you use a upgrade kit, you'll get a selection of 3.
Don't forget that you can try the demo ; )
Better than the old one?
I have my thoughts but my colleague thinks the old one is better, what do you think ?
A presentation format ive tried for social media, not sure if I run with it;
Seems a bit grim and not as consistent with the more colorful rest
Any feedback on my cover artwork? (newer version below)
The models were never made for close up shots and look terrible in full lighting, I feel like im getting away with murder here with the character lighting a bit
Gotta take a break and get a fresh look and some feedback I think.
Update - Feedback very appreciated! Its the culmination of years of work I suppose and what will be shown on the steam preview.
Here another weapon too - not perfectly happy with visual balance but for now it'll have to do
It shoots homing darts, similar to the needler in halo.
On steam there are varied store images, I planned on a larger logo for the small one, it probably makes the most sense as you said.
I dont have a lot of poses and I can only have the same pose for both at the same time >.> as they use the same joints - there might be a workaround but I wouldnt know how. Maybe a shadow helps, ill try.
"About what the game is" - Hm, the characters with weapons up and the mechs in background should give a strong hint about the general theme but you won't see that its a rogue-like format but thats hard to portray. I think that should be fine
@wormo Ive seen you comment on discord, glad that you like the gameplay : )
Off topic; A WIP sawblade gun I kind of violated a UMP45 for. Kinda hard portraying the sawblade thing from the side (as its just a flat line frontally), so I went for this angled magazine that shows it off. It has a kind of ugly functional power-tool look which I like, the stock is pretty ugly tho, I should change that.
Im using pathtracing now so there is nicer Global illumination
New Nailgun
Flamethrower WIP
Its getting close to completion. So much upcoming for the next update, a bunch of more crazy weapons too. Im sure I can get the environments to look noticeably better still.
edit: ah, there's a signup on the website. Signed up!