Hi guys!
I'm a Unity Asset Store publisher and I have a bit of a problem that I don't know how to solve. I would like to give my customers access to the Substance file for each 3D model I create. I've thought of the following solutions:
- Put the Substance file in the package. This is not an option because the files are generally 200mb and are thus not to be put in a Unity project.
- Put a download link in the asset pack. The problem though is that anyone receiving this link can download the file then, even non-customers. So I would need a way to make this secure. Btw, is this even allowed?
I am quite stuck on this and would like to get your opinions/thoughts on how to solve this?
The most straight forward option would be to include the file with the unity package. If you're advertising that the content includes the substance file, you should absolutely include it in the package.
If you want it to be an optional download, you could upload it somewhere else, write the URL and instructions in a text file and include this with the package. Again you will need to check with Unity to see if this is allowed, but it would work. The URL would not be protected, but only people who buy your package would get the url. You could password protect it and put the password in the text file too. Obviously someone who buys the package could share the URL, but nothing prevents them from sharing the entire package if they want to be assholes, so it's not really more or less secure.
Unity may have some sort of system for this as well, an asset that includes multiple packages. You should ask them about that.
You touched upon a point that is quite true though: "Obviously someone who buys the package could share the URL, but nothing prevents them from sharing the entire package if they want to be assholes, so it's not really more or less secure.". It really doesn't matter that the url is not secure. If the package is shared, then it is shared. With or without the link being "secure". So it doesn't really matter either way.