Hello everyone!
I'm a junior 3D artist trying to continually improve my portfolio,
I would like to have your opinion and maybe some advice on my portfolio so far.
I would love to create 3D characters for games but I've been told that its extremely hard to get into as Junior artist, therefore I've been advised to get into as a Environment/Prop artist and slowly but surely make my way up as a character artist once I've earned enough experience and connections.
Portfolio Link:
https://www.artstation.com/dipeshpatelThanks in advance!
breaking into the industry is hard no matter what role you want to take, if you want to be a character artist, then keep making characters. IMO your character is one of the weaker pieces on your portfolio. But everyone has to start somewhere. Keep refining and working on your models, for your portfolio rememer this... Quality over quantity any day. 3 amazing pieces is way better than 6 mediocre pieces. Just keep at it!