Hey all! My name is Cam, and I graduated from college a little while ago In my quest to get better at art post college, I've started trying to make a completed, and finished model, once per week.
Thank you in advance for your critiques
> Artstation Link:
This weeks project was, a knife!
For the knife itself, I modeled the base shape in 3ds max, and then brought it into zBrush for some sculpting. After some time, I then brought it back into Substance to texture it with some hand painted pieces, and some procedural pieces
Here is the knife on a stand
Wireframe for posterity.
The hilt is arguably the thing I dislike the most about this piece. I should have looked up more reference and tutorials for the grip. If anything, it feels sloppy. I like how the metal part of the hilt came out, as it looks very rough, and worn. As if it's been beaten about in its usage. The grip also needs more weathering. But I have deadlines so it is what it is.
And finally the detailing on the blade itself. Half hand painted, half procedural. I tried to make it look like it was worn over the ages, but not rusted. As if it was put on display after years of use.
I'm proud of what I got done in this deadline, and look forward to your critique! Thank you very much for your time.