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Noobish Question??

polycounter lvl 3
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Decie123 polycounter lvl 3
First off sorry for the noobish question but Im curious about my topology, below are images of a Baterang I made. 
Do I need to put more edges on the simple side of the Baterang even doe theirs so little detail. 

Any and all info on topology is greatly appreciated or any feed back, 

Thanks Very much.


  • mrgesy
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    mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
    Is this a high poly base? You have too many segments along the curve. You could make it with fewer segments, and those holes can be a simple square with four sides that will become round when smoothing is applied. The topology around the holes right now is less than optimal and will look terrible when smoothed. Also all your edges are running vertically down the model and this is bad, especially for the bottom left side. Try to make some horizontal edges to cross the vertical ones and connect from left to right
    This will form even squares in your topology and make it easier to cut holes. 
  • Decie123
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    Decie123 polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks very, very good feedback, will start again taking this on board and re-post then cheers
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