Hi, I'm a highschool student and I'm trying to go to an art college/university. However, all they have are Animation courses which Isn't what I want to do. I want to be a 3D modeller/sculptor. Do I need to take a bachelor's degree of animation if I want to become a 3D modeller? Or is learning the programs with short courses & a good portfolio enough to get me a stable job?
Also, this is what i am working on
++ I learned 3Ds Max/ Zbrush online and on youtube
Sign up for Pluaralsight and/or Gnomon Workshop for a couple of months and/or get some eat3D DVDs and review some basic game modelling tutorials. Practice. Submit screenshots with wireframes. Get feedback. Rinse and repeat. Find reference for more complex objects. Submit screenshots with wireframes. Get feedback. . . .
You do not need a degree for what you want to learn--you just need to practice (game-related modeling tutorials) and get feedback. At some point you will want to tackle UV layout, texturing, and then what your focus will eventually be (characters, environments, hard-surface models, . . .).
If you want to get a bachelor's degree for this, there are unis and colleges out there for this. I'd imagine you'd want a list?
@JacqueChoi Do you happen to know any he could even briefly start emailing?
@sophiam please, when you have the time, go click the "Wiki" button on the top of the Polycount website and read the threads that have been made ahead of you about getting an Education in game art. You are by no means the only one who's asked the question you have, but your situation is unique in the same way others are.
But read the threads first before you just start waiting on people to answer.
I'm hoping you'll have more specified questions AFTERWARDs, but read the wiki first.
Hi @sophiam, glad you're looking at getting serious about your future career, especially in entertainment/arts! I've grown up here in B.C., and currently live and work in Vancouver. Here's a quick list of tabs you should open right away:
1. VFS - https://vfs.edu/programs/3D-animation-vfx
2. BCIT - https://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/6540dipma
3. AI - http://www.artinstitutevancouver.com/vfx-game-design/3d-modeling-diploma
4. ECUAD - http://www.ecuad.ca/academics/undergraduate-degrees/bachelor-of-media-arts/3d-animation-major
Alot of acronyms eh? See, I am Canadian.
Now the important question, which is the right fit for you? Hard to say unless you visit them all, which I highly recommend. They've always got open houses and tours you can book personally. Go to grad student screenings, watch the work for each school on their Youtube channel. This will help you get a feel for each.
I've attended both Emily Carr (ECUAD) and VFS (Vancouver Film School) - each with their own pros and cons. I ought to specify with the caveat about the former though, as it was there that I earned a Bachelor in Visual Arts. VFS came at a time where I "decided what to do with my life" and made up my mind to get into the local entertainment industry. Ultimately this worked out, as I now work as a modeller and texture artist for a local studio!
You're still in high-school, so there's time to decide! But use it wisely, and if you feel strongly about your art, see it as a passion and a gift that must be shared, don't hesitate to pursue the dream.
A roundabout way to answer your question, sorry for the long pre-amble. Do you have to study animation? Not really. You could mess around in Zbrush all day if you wanted to. But should you? I think yes. It's crucial to understand good topology for deformation, basic rigging, etc. which gives you an insight to working a pipeline. In your career you will 100% come into contact with riggers, and animators on a daily basis. Learn to speak their language!
If you've got specific questions about any of the other schools above just ask, I've got a co-worker from each!
TLDR: Go to school. Study everything. You won't regret it.
I suggest take a look at InFocus, a couple people I know from Method/Mainframe (VFX Studios in Vancouver) teach there:
I can also point you in the direction of the people in question, maybe they can give you better insights. Good luck!!