I'm new to Unreal and I'm pretty confused.
So I have a bunch of anims that I want to hook up. I have a "Idle", "Idle to Walk custom transition", "Walk", "Jog", "Run", "Run to Action_Idle transition", and an "ActionIdle".
So I want to have the Walk, Jog and Run in a blendspace so I can blend between them. However I want the Idle to be in a separate state so I can call a custom transition anim. I want to blend from the idle to the custom transition and then blend to the walk. The blendspace can handle the blends from the walk to the jog to the run.
When I stop running, I want to blend to the "custom transition to action_idle anim" before blending to the Action idle itself. After a time delay, I would like to blend from the action idle to the normal idle.
I had a go but I'm lost. I'm pretty sure I set it up wrong inside the states and I can't find a video online dealing with custom blends.
I'm really new so I'm unsure how to do the things you mentioned.
EDIT: I figured it out, thanks! Got another question below if you don't mind.