Hi, i'm following some tutorials to learn deeply zbrush and all this features and i see some of them are very strange(like zsketch) and i see no one that uses them.
I wanted to know what features, tools... do you use the most for organic sculpting and hard-surface.
What do you recomend to use and what you do not recomend?
By the way im using zbrush 4r7.
ZSpheres, Dynamesh, Modeller, UVMaster for details, Topo Brush, Mesh extract, ZRemesher, Spotlight. GoZ is a bit stuffed up for Max 2018 so still using 2017 for that.
I dont use UVMaster for finals or the Retopo because it is faster/more familiar and flexible in Max still
Also thank you for the answer, Topo Brush is one of the things i didnt know if i should learn or not.