Keep up the good work , appreciate all of the progress images and videos you are posting. Great work!
Thank you! Much more to come!
I'm moving onto our playable character! I will be updating this a lot as I would love as much feedback as possible on this, so here is the base body sculpt.
I've started making progress on the ai in the first section of the city. I'm using the Open World AI Spawn System by TiMer Games on the Unreal Marketplace which is making things much easier and more polished looking than the other methods I researched previously. So far I'm pleased with how it looks. There are quite a few duplicates as not all the characters have been rigged and I am in the middle of doing some more different walk animations to give some better variety so eventually it will look much busier and more crowded. I was surprised at how much of a difference it made having just a few people moving around and I'm eager to get more in to really feel the atmosphere of the city.
Here are the paths I put in and some gifs of the progress so far
Crazy amount of work going on in here. Pretty awesome stuff.
Thanks! We're just working on getting as much detail in there as possible.
Got the cloth for the main character together. The aim for the design was to make him look like a badass. I'm going for a Scottish theme for him so he has some identity (the cloth across and around him with the pleats will kind of kilt-like and the "squiggles" on there as masks will be textured as some kind of Celtic style tattoos with half a head of hair.
I'd up the scale on the two lions above the last gate. They look entirely too small at the moment. Otherwise, well, looking forward to seeing it finished!
I'd up the scale on the two lions above the last gate. They look entirely too small at the moment. Otherwise, well, looking forward to seeing it finished!
Thank you! The lions are placeholders for now, I believe Josh has just started work on that area so expect updates for that soon!
I've managed to get the main character's high poly together! Shout out if there's any improvements that can be made.
I'm not a character modeller so I cant give precise feedback but the face looks weird. Its hard to tell without a closeup but maybe you could try to move the eyes down a bit or perhaps move the brow up.
I'm not a character modeller so I cant give precise feedback but the face looks weird. Its hard to tell without a closeup but maybe you could try to move the eyes down a bit or perhaps move the brow up.
I can see what you mean so I had a go at trying to make him look a little more natural.
Just thought I would post the full high poly for the main character again after the changes. I got rid of the extra bit on the sword after some feedback.
Ive been working on a way to create a pavement system where i can create it and modify its properties in engine, to get some nice sweeping pathways. Its a blueprint system that creates mesh based on a spline and has parameters to tweak the twistyness, width and options to turn the side walks on and off (: The texture on it isnt final, still working on it and refining it, and ill be vertex painting puddles/mud/dirt over it in the coming weeks (:
Ignore the people walking in the spot, our animator added her animation in the scene since she was pre vising (:
Hey loved watching how this has grown! would you mind sharing your blueprint set up for the spline system at all? Also how did you go about the Ivy on the buildings? I've been trying to create this effect for a while but I just can't get great results like yours!
I've said this before but it really needs to be said again... You're focusing on quantity of characters over the quality of them. You NEED to go back and fix up the anatomy of your characters, because as it stands right now, not a single one of them is good enough.
Your portfolio would look better with 2 amazing characters, than 10 mediocre ones.
I've said this before but it really needs to be said again... You're focusing on quantity of characters over the quality of them. You NEED to go back and fix up the anatomy of your characters, because as it stands right now, not a single one of them is good enough.
Your portfolio would look better with 2 amazing characters, than 10 mediocre ones.
I know what you mean, and I am aware that I may have spread myself too thin with this project. There were too many characters for just one person to do (we do now have some other characters being worked on by other people so the situation has improved from before). The reason for me going with the modular NPCs was so we had a project that wasn't just an empty town but one that was alive and busy.
In hindsight, a project like this was not the best thing for me personally when it comes to my portfolio as a character artist but without the number of characters I have produced, the project would not be what we wanted.
I'm now working to make the main character, and hopefully that will give me at least one "amazing character" in my portfolio as well as the skills I have obtained to work quickly and somewhat efficiently (on my Artstation, the NPC characters are laid out as one project as a whole). I am not sure how much time I will have to edit the NPCs now except for adding variety in the texture colours and mixing and matching the parts around but, hopefully, with them being fairly low poly background characters, it shouldn't hurt the overall look and feel of the project.
Been making the Lords house for the past few days, managed to finish the LP of more of less the whole building, and started texturing the bottom floor. Been sculpting some HPs as well (: Most things are placeholders for now and ill get round to replacing it all with the final assets!
After feedback I made some more head improvements. I had trouble making sure he didn't look too brutish so made sure I didn't make the head too square. I've been retopping everything and I changed up the sword again and also moved in some of the cloth at the sides of the body.
Here's the wireframe. He's around 80k tris. (Head was done in Wrap3. All the geo is there for a face rig.)
I have been really terrible about keeping my stuff updated on here. Things got hectic with the doing the dissertation. I have now, after lots of revision and help from someone at Unreal, managed to get that Assassins Creed style pushing aside the NPCs. I've used ray tracing to detect the proximity to the player as it is much less resource heavy than using box triggers however I think the animation still needs some work as it's triggering a little slow right now. I also still have to do the animation for the player pushing them but I don't yet have the rig of the player character. It's difficult to get a gif that properly shows it but you can kinda see it here. I will be much more obvious in the final video.
Aside from that, I have been animating other miscellaneous things. I have a dice game in the scene now and the merchant selling his stuff in the stalls. Along with a sweep, an updated scrub and a guy checking things off a clipboard. Some of these animations are a little longer and as I can only capture 7 second gifs I can't show you the whole thing but you get the gist. I've had to knock these out quite fast so they're a little rough around the edges but feedback is always welcome.
Also apologies for the lag but my computer is slowly dying and can't really handle this project anymore. I am getting a new one next week.
I have got the main character in the scene but he needed a few tweaks after seeing him from the third person view. I have flipped some on the more interesting visuals onto the right and have changed the colours a bit to make him contrast the environment.
This is roughly what we are looking at for the third person camera.
I've been working on animations for the player character. So far I have a walk and jog which I'm pretty happy with but I think the jog still needs some work. Some advice on how to make it look better would be great. There is clipping but this is the first version of the rig so skinning needs to be fixed.
This is the final version of The Resistance! It’s been an incredibly long journey to get here but it’s finally finished and we're really happy with how its turned out. There’s a few things in the video that we're not quite happy with, but it'll do (:
We have decided we won't be improving it any further. The main purpose of doing this project, apart from completing our degrees, was getting a job in the games industry. 3/4 members of the team have got AAA game studio jobs, so we don’t feel the need to keep working on the project. (and also we're shattered and really need sleep)
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the project and helped out along the way!
Also, a huge thank you to all the people reading our posts throughout the year on the project and offered crit and advice!
We'll be writing one more 80 level article and an article the rookies have asked us to write, so keep an eye out for that!
Thanks for the feedback @ChristenLA I've tweaked some material settings so hopefully the skin is looking better.
Been on the character treadmill for a good while, so here are 4 more characters.
So ive been flat out making market stalls (:
Ive completely forgotten about proper screenshots, so heres some screenshots of the gifs from last week and the market stalls ive made!
Also 80Level published an interview they did with us about the project, feel free to check it out (:
I'm moving onto our playable character! I will be updating this a lot as I would love as much feedback as possible on this, so here is the base body sculpt.
Here are the paths I put in and some gifs of the progress so far
After some feedback, I have tried to change the main character's face to look a bit more heroic and good-looking. Crit appreciated!
Thanks! We're just working on getting as much detail in there as possible.
Got the cloth for the main character together. The aim for the design was to make him look like a badass. I'm going for a Scottish theme for him so he has some identity (the cloth across and around him with the pleats will kind of kilt-like and the "squiggles" on there as masks will be textured as some kind of Celtic style tattoos with half a head of hair.
The Resistance Alpha
I'd up the scale on the two lions above the last gate. They look entirely too small at the moment. Otherwise, well, looking forward to seeing it finished!
I've managed to get the main character's high poly together! Shout out if there's any improvements that can be made.
Just thought I would post the full high poly for the main character again after the changes. I got rid of the extra bit on the sword after some feedback.
Your portfolio would look better with 2 amazing characters, than 10 mediocre ones.
In hindsight, a project like this was not the best thing for me personally when it comes to my portfolio as a character artist but without the number of characters I have produced, the project would not be what we wanted.
I'm now working to make the main character, and hopefully that will give me at least one "amazing character" in my portfolio as well as the skills I have obtained to work quickly and somewhat efficiently (on my Artstation, the NPC characters are laid out as one project as a whole). I am not sure how much time I will have to edit the NPCs now except for adding variety in the texture colours and mixing and matching the parts around but, hopefully, with them being fairly low poly background characters, it shouldn't hurt the overall look and feel of the project.
Been making the Lords house for the past few days, managed to finish the LP of more of less the whole building, and started texturing the bottom floor. Been sculpting some HPs as well (: Most things are placeholders for now and ill get round to replacing it all with the final assets!
After feedback I made some more head improvements. I had trouble making sure he didn't look too brutish so made sure I didn't make the head too square. I've been retopping everything and I changed up the sword again and also moved in some of the cloth at the sides of the body.
Here's the wireframe. He's around 80k tris. (Head was done in Wrap3. All the geo is there for a face rig.)
Here is the textured main character. Crit welcome!
There's also a Marmoset Viewer link here: https://www.artstati...m/artwork/yLoZ9
I have been really terrible about keeping my stuff updated on here. Things got hectic with the doing the dissertation. I have now, after lots of revision and help from someone at Unreal, managed to get that Assassins Creed style pushing aside the NPCs. I've used ray tracing to detect the proximity to the player as it is much less resource heavy than using box triggers however I think the animation still needs some work as it's triggering a little slow right now. I also still have to do the animation for the player pushing them but I don't yet have the rig of the player character. It's difficult to get a gif that properly shows it but you can kinda see it here. I will be much more obvious in the final video.
Aside from that, I have been animating other miscellaneous things. I have a dice game in the scene now and the merchant selling his stuff in the stalls. Along with a sweep, an updated scrub and a guy checking things off a clipboard. Some of these animations are a little longer and as I can only capture 7 second gifs I can't show you the whole thing but you get the gist. I've had to knock these out quite fast so they're a little rough around the edges but feedback is always welcome.
Also apologies for the lag but my computer is slowly dying and can't really handle this project anymore. I am getting a new one next week.
I have got the main character in the scene but he needed a few tweaks after seeing him from the third person view. I have flipped some on the more interesting visuals onto the right and have changed the colours a bit to make him contrast the environment.
This is roughly what we are looking at for the third person camera.
I've been working on animations for the player character. So far I have a walk and jog which I'm pretty happy with but I think the jog still needs some work. Some advice on how to make it look better would be great. There is clipping but this is the first version of the rig so skinning needs to be fixed.
The Resistance Final
This is the final version of The Resistance! It’s been an incredibly long journey to get here but it’s finally finished and we're really happy with how its turned out. There’s a few things in the video that we're not quite happy with, but it'll do (:
We have decided we won't be improving it any further. The main purpose of doing this project, apart from completing our degrees, was getting a job in the games industry. 3/4 members of the team have got AAA game studio jobs, so we don’t feel the need to keep working on the project. (and also we're shattered and really need sleep)
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the project and helped out along the way!
Also, a huge thank you to all the people reading our posts throughout the year on the project and offered crit and advice!
We'll be writing one more 80 level article and an article the rookies have asked us to write, so keep an eye out for that!
For now, that’s me and the team done!! (:
All the best! (: