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First step in the 3D world

polycounter lvl 7
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sawcisson polycounter lvl 7

Hi guys , recently started (2 weeks ago) learning and working with 3D and would love to have some feedback from the senior 3D artist here.

(i know that i have undeleted faces inside the vehicle and a bug and back left wing, something went wrong)

AND YES the tank is oiled daily by powerfull naked nazi soldier rolling over it , this is why the specular and normal are soo shiny and glossy

SKETCHFAB LINK : https://skfb.ly/6tHyQ

I hope you can give me feedbacks and help me improve myself.


  • sawcisson
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    sawcisson polycounter lvl 7
    Hi thanks for your answer , yeah i'm not enough familiar with texture making to use the best of it for the moment especially Normal maps , Specular etc... but i'm trying.

    I used Maya , Photoshop and my graphical tablet .

    If you have any comment on the wireframe be welcome :)
    I'll check out your work then !

  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Well done for stepping in to the world of 3d modeling, you will be amazed at how much you are going to improve if you keep making. Make sure you save this model for a reference as you will improve with every model you make. My tips are as follows. 
    • Look at real life references and model each and every part as accurately as you can
    • From your model you need to spend more geometry on each piece, your wheels need to be a lot more round, Dont be scared to spend geo.
    • Read and look at ways shapes are modeled, there are great threads on here like "How do i model them shapes"
    • Learn how to model more precisely
    • Invest in tools , i would suggest Substance painter for texturing
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