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Creating a new office space

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Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
So I'm moving and this time I will have my own small office space, and I'm looking to make it a bit special and nice.
been looking through pictures etc, but can't seem to find a good keyword for actual cool spaces and monitor setups etc.

So what would you do if you could spend around $15k on an office? leaving out computer and monitors.
size would be around 10m2.


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    holy shit 15k for 10 square meters i would just put stuff on the walls as you wont have much space to circulate around tbh. I would just put art or whatever you find it to make your hoffice confortable, its something only you can know what you like i think :P
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    assuming you have the desk and chair covered already, what about the lighting - daylight lamps or similar? there's probably some nice setups out there that beat the average desk lamp.

    personally and if i had that office all to myself i'd get a little hi-fi setup. not something to annoy the neighbors with but enough to provide background noise without sounding tinny like PC speakers. in a shared office however that would be a no-go.

    i'd also put an eames or similar kind of arm chair into a corner of the room, for productive... naps. :)

  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    ...also assuming that you have a desk and chair already; I think I would get some shelves and just put stacks of money on them.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    You could also put a big screen tv in one of the corners. To watch some inspiring stuff or to play videogames...
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    A big table and a nice chair, since you didn't mention furniture.
    A shelf with large scale figures, like Kotobukiya stuff. 
    Shouji in front of some lights or in front of the window, makes nice ambient light.
    Punching bag can be useful or a bar.

    If you don't have access to a fridge outside that office space, get a fridge in there.

    Do you need to spend the whole 15k because of some tax reasons? Otherwise I would consider to just spend less if you are not sure what to buy.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Well I would be open to change desks etc.

    A big TV would be cool, but I will probably put the desks against the wall so that would have to be right in my face haha.
    One idea was to have that giant Microsoft wacom screen connected so I could stand and paint, but I guess one is 10k +

    Lighting yeah, hoping to find something nice in that category.

    Was actually thinking of making a really green space first with plants and maybe an aquarium but figured I would kill everything in the first month.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Some cool 80's posters or Outrun themed art. Nice mood setting lamps. Probably paint the walls a dark colour.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Yeah lighting seems to be a common factor that would change a lot, maybe I should invest some money into getting a professional to do a cool setup.
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
     a kitchen, for sure. Any way to reduce cooking downtime is 10/10 good idea to me.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
     a kitchen, for sure. Any way to reduce cooking downtime is 10/10 good idea to me.
    hopefully involuntary having a stay at home wife should at least let me not have to cook hehe.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    have you considered investing into a reinforced steel door?
  • Octo
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    Octo polycounter lvl 18
    Not that you are a gamer but they can have some cosy looking setups

    Something like this looks nice imo
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    thomasp said:
    have you considered investing into a reinforced steel door?
    Haha yeah that would be kinda nice.

    Octo said:
    Not that you are a gamer but they can have some cosy looking setups

    Something like this looks nice imo
    Ah there are some cool stuff in there, thanks for gallery.

    Another thing is I want to find the best and easiest way to set up my cintiq, I have an arm and all that but I find it a hassle to
    use anyway, thinking about having a separate computer for my cintiq.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Octo said:
    Something like this looks nice imo
    That's way too cluttered for me.  :(

    I'd rather have a dark room(as in few lights AND dark walls) with some backlighting behind the displays, a huge desk with lots of empty space, and maybe some dim lamps around the room that don't hit the displays. I agree about the sound system though, something that allows you to hear it evenly all around so you can keep it low and zone out. I have a hard time focusing for long periods, so I usually end up switching between YouTube/shows, music, and nothing while at work, but a separate TV or something out of your vision could be useful, especially for the breaks. I like the nap chair idea too.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    the nap chair is out though. jonas has provided new info about his surroundings after all. nap chair has to be acquired together with a certain steel door or there will be no naps. ;)

  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    thomasp said:
    the nap chair is out though. jonas has provided new info about his surroundings after all. nap chair has to be acquired together with a certain steel door or there will be no naps. ;)

    Actually I was thinking about investing in a massage chair, they have those really high tech ones here in japan, that will probably be for the living though, probably wouldn't fit in the office and I would lose my VR space.

    Other then that I'm really looking into some cool lighting, would be nice to change color and mood with a remote etc.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    just had a look at those massage chairs. if they can double up as a comfy armchair even when deactived then why not! else it just looks like something with too many moving parts bound to break down a few years in and destined to become an expensive liability.

  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    yeah they are really comfy and they actually often come with a 5 - 10 year replacement guarantee, was kinda worried about that as well.
    But yeah it's like 5k so wouldn't want it to break in the first year, but if the living is big I might go for it.
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    If you have one of these chair you don't need to worry about the warranty but your career, because you will never leave that chair again and stop working... they are just too comfy.
    Get a punching bag, seriously :smiley:
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Prime8 said:
    If you have one of these chair you don't need to worry about the warranty but your career, because you will never leave that chair again and stop working... they are just too comfy.
    Get a punching bag, seriously :smiley:
    Wacom mobile studio ;)
  • RyanB
    I would get a small water fountain and plants.  No tv, games or other distractions.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    RyanB said:
    I would get a small water fountain and plants.  No tv, games or other distractions.
    Haha yeah lets just make a relaxation room :pensive:

    Arkaria said:

    Personally I would spend all the money pimping out my desk/PC area really nice like that pinterest gallery there. Go nuts with LEDs and one of those fancy glowing watercooling systems. Then maybe hang some really nice final renders of my work on the walls

    spec wise I already have everything I could need and I'm not really into those disco pc boxes, but If I could get the computers leds to work with the rest of the rooms lighting then that would be cool :) 
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Arkaria said:
    Yes, an office that doubles as a dance club!
    Kinda feels like I have that already, working to my ultra lives playlist hehe.
  • Burpee
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    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    More GTX and a Vault Door 
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    TBH It is a bit puzzling - why do you have to spend that much money on things you don't need ? Maybe in order to close off a budget for the year so that it doesn't get reduced the year after ?

    (Not trying to be a dick here, just genuinely curious/confused)
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    pior said:
    TBH It is a bit puzzling - why do you have to spend that much money on things you don't need ? Maybe in order to close off a budget for the year so that it doesn't get reduced the year after ?

    (Not trying to be a dick here, just genuinely curious/confused)

     It's not that I have to spend that much, but that is how much I'm willing to spend, if I can fill up the office in a way I like for a cheaper price then even better. I have been cramped up in my living room with my wife for the last couple of years, so a bit excited and eager to get my own space and making it nice. So yeah no musts here, just wanted to hear what ideas fellow polycounters would have if they were in the same situation.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I see I see ! Well, you could always get a little picture frame at the dollar store, and frame a quote in it saying something along the lines of "This represents a saving of 10 000 Dollars" :D 

    But then again, I too used to have a desk space with shelves loaded with artsy stuff ... until I realized after a while that it's just visual noise - not bad or particularly distracting, but just with no real benefit. A big wall of bookshelves is definitely good to have though, but that's only a couple 100s anyways ...

    Well, if anything that's a comfortable situation to be in ! You could treat yourself to a Eames or a Barcelona chair ...
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    pior said:
    I see I see ! Well, you could always get a little picture frame at the dollar store, and frame a quote in it saying something along the lines of "This represents a saving of 10 000 Dollars" :D 

    But then again, I too used to have a desk space with shelves loaded with artsy stuff ... until I realized after a while that it's just visual noise - not bad or particularly distracting, but just with no real benefit. A big wall of bookshelves is definitely good to have though, but that's only a couple 100s anyways ...

    Well, if anything that's a comfortable situation to be in ! You could treat yourself to a Eames or a Barcelona chair ...

    Haha yeah, the problem with japanese rentals is that you are not allowed to do any damage to the walls etc, so no paintings or posters for me.

    Yeah been looking for a chair for quite some time now, even had a thread up some time ago, still not sure which one to go with, but kinda leaning to one of the Aeron chairs.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    .......for decor, a Tatami mat or fun maybe a...Pinball machine perhapes?!
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    After living in japan for almost 10 years I hate anything tatami in the house, Some new apartments in japan still include a small tatami dressed room, usually where you have your dead ancestors memorial stuff, really a pain in the ass finding one without it.

    pinball machine would be awesome but would probably become a space issue hehe.

    still looking into getting some customizable mood lighting though :)
  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    I would make it comfortable and easy to use. Put a good coffee machine , or all the kitchen stuff required to make and enjoy your own food , some DIY cable managing stuff and smart furniture to assist your needs with as little effort as possible so that it wont interfere with your energy while working. You could also paint the walls some bright yellow or playful colors to boost your creativity. All the decorative stuff should be placed in the end to your taste.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Good ideas, been looking for a good coffee machine, that will probably be placed in the kitchen though.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Larry said:
    I would make it comfortable and easy to use. Put a good coffee machine , or all the kitchen stuff required to make and enjoy your own food , some DIY cable managing stuff and smart furniture to assist your needs with as little effort as possible so that it wont interfere with your energy while working. You could also paint the walls some bright yellow or playful colors to boost your creativity. All the decorative stuff should be placed in the end to your taste.

    man i am so in opposition to this, its completely weird to me :D 

    food and coffee machine IN the office? this stuff belongs into the kitchen, without extra water supply you will have to leave your room anyways to feed the machine. whats next a humming fridge? It's 10 m² after all ;)

    Also bright colors? Maybe if you just model, i made that mistake one, having a big bright orange wall inside the office, prepare for tinted textures. Anything that needs any sort of color related work will suffer when the surrounding tints your perception. With reflections on your screen and bouncelight in your room, damn. Also after a while you get sick of that color, i can guarantee you that. At least I did.

    Just had to fill an entire office space for 14+ persons, was fun and a challenge and a crazy ton of work, but having had a couple of other offices before I learned a few things about what to have. Your examples are on top of the list of things not to have ever again hehe

    Cable management i agree to, ergonomic furniture, yes. A standing desk is really nice to have (tho pricey), a good chair is the most crucial to me.

    Natural light + good overall lighting is also important, before we only had a big 3x3m Skylight in the ceiling of a dome shaped 6m room. It can get pretty dark in there.
    The biggest change to the last one here is biiiig windows and actual airflow, after sitting a few years in our nice and cozy dome i didn't expect I would enjoy something so simple, so much. 
    Now that we are closing in on finishing the last small bits of work on the office, I should take some pictures of the place.

  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    I agree with Neox regarding the colours. Some accent colour in the carpet can be nice and easy to replace if you don't like it anymore, most office carpets are tiled in Japan.
    Had grey checkers with some dark red in between once, but that the maximum I would do.

    Tatami is just good if you have the spare space, you cannot really place any office furniture on it, but good for sleeping or just lying around. You can put not only dead ancestors memorial you can even put dead ancestors, don't forget the ice. :wink:
    Jonas doesn't like them anyway as he said.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Neox said:

    man i am so in opposition to this, its completely weird to me :D 

    food and coffee machine IN the office? this stuff belongs into the kitchen, without extra water supply you will have to leave your room anyways to feed the machine. whats next a humming fridge? It's 10 m² after all ;)

    Also bright colors? Maybe if you just model, i made that mistake one, having a big bright orange wall inside the office, prepare for tinted textures. Anything that needs any sort of color related work will suffer when the surrounding tints your perception. With reflections on your screen and bouncelight in your room, damn. Also after a while you get sick of that color, i can guarantee you that. At least I did.

    Just had to fill an entire office space for 14+ persons, was fun and a challenge and a crazy ton of work, but having had a couple of other offices before I learned a few things about what to have. Your examples are on top of the list of things not to have ever again hehe

    Cable management i agree to, ergonomic furniture, yes. A standing desk is really nice to have (tho pricey), a good chair is the most crucial to me.

    Natural light + good overall lighting is also important, before we only had a big 3x3m Skylight in the ceiling of a dome shaped 6m room. It can get pretty dark in there.
    The biggest change to the last one here is biiiig windows and actual airflow, after sitting a few years in our nice and cozy dome i didn't expect I would enjoy something so simple, so much. 
    Now that we are closing in on finishing the last small bits of work on the office, I should take some pictures of the place.

    Good advice Neox, and yeah coffee machine will be in the kitchen for sure.

    interesting read about the wall colors, since I live in Japan we are not really allowed to paint them on rentals anyway so they will probably be white, but you are probably right about that bright colors would be distracting, might skew your color vision a bit with a bright color in the background.

    Standing desk would be great, but haven't found a big one here in japan, only really small ones.

    And yeah the chair is the big one, still on the hunt.

    Seems like you have some office creation experience so if possible it would be interesting to see how the one you are making looks.

    Prime8 said:
    I agree with Neox regarding the colours. Some accent colour in the carpet can be nice and easy to replace if you don't like it anymore, most office carpets are tiled in Japan.
    Had grey checkers with some dark red in between once, but that the maximum I would do.

    Tatami is just good if you have the spare space, you cannot really place any office furniture on it, but good for sleeping or just lying around. You can put not only dead ancestors memorial you can even put dead ancestors, don't forget the ice. :wink:
    Jonas doesn't like them anyway as he said.
    Haven't given carpets much thought, but yeah that might do much to the feeling as well.

    Yeah no tatami for me :P at least not until someone that needs a memorial thingy dies.
  • Thane-
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    Thane- polycounter lvl 3
    I'd look into a desk or setup that would allow you to easily raise the desk up for standing work. Mainly since so many sources are saying sitting still is so bad for you. You also supposedly burn 2x the calories standing than sitting.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    okay was waiting for our resident photographer to take shots but he keeps forgetting the camera. SO here are some shots as promised. made super crisp with my awesome cellphonecam with autostitch... also it fell once so there might be a crack close to the cam... maybe

    the entrance, notice that shoes stay outside :D
    I need to replace that cable and proper bind it or go through the canals on top from somewhere else... oh well

    very important

    panorama from the kitchen, did i say its crisp?

    panorama towards meeting room and kitchen on the other side

    one working space close by the meetingroom

    actual meetingroom, yeah we have to get rid of a couple of boxes still... i'd call it 95% done, some small things still have to be done on the entire office

    Meetingroom from the other side, handmade table, also my first time, setting up a tv like this and doing the wiring for sound, making sure the table is connected to tv and whatnot 

    another super sharp image of one of the workspaces. on the left a 3d printed logo. damn i hate sanding this shit

    another workspace, here we need to put some images on the wall still.

    yeah as you can see. not much color, besides the actual art and some artbooks and the chairs we sit on. mostly whites and greys and black, countered with some natural wooden tones and shades of beige. We had places with much more colors before and it became a sore after a while. Also natural lighting and windows are the thing we really have in the last office. And well actual proper workspace ready artificial lighting.
    A few bits are still missing as said, we want to install a projector by the sofa, need a screen as well. Some more images, a couple of statues. But this can wait, the most important stuff is done by now.
  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    If you need a gardener-3d artist i am willing to come and start by watering your plants !
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Larry said:
    If you need a gardener-3d artist i am willing to come and start by watering your plants !
    considering they almost died due to lack of direct sunlight at the old place and some have been recovered from the streets, they are doing pretty well and get regularly watered ;)
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Looks very Berlin :)
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    Looks comfortable and has enough colours, grey and grey :wink:
  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    IKEA shoe rack! <3
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Pictures! :) liking those spacious spaces, and yeah I think having simple colors is a good choice.

    Finally moving on the 26th.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Elithenia said:
    IKEA shoe rack! <3
    considering the costs of the standing desks and other custom furnitures like the floating shelf/sideboard combo... ikea is a great way if you want simple and clean designs for cheap :D 
    we looked into other options and paying 5times as much for such simple things like the 4x4 shelves is just a big no in my book ^^

    good luck jonas! hope you show us what you did with the place
  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    Neox said:
    considering the costs of the standing desks and other custom furnitures like the floating shelf/sideboard combo... ikea is a great way if you want simple and clean designs for cheap :D 
    we looked into other options and paying 5times as much for such simple things like the 4x4 shelves is just a big no in my book ^^
    oh definitely. I would go with that too. I actually happen to have the work desk and shoe rack from IKEA too ;) Works just fine :D 
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    Nice pic's, nothing wrong with your photography skills, fonecam notwithstanding, also will be interesting too see what you finally come up with.


  • RadicalBradical
    The office is looking nice! I love how much lighting there is. I would just suggest putting some more posters, paintings, and pictures on the walls -- just so then it has some more color. :smile:
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    haha no worries there will be more pictures, but as we have everything either framed or on canvas, simple posters will not cut it. so it is a matter of production time and of course money.

    @neonsun: cant agree more, standing desks are definitely a great thing to have. I should use mine more often tho :X 
  • Eric Chadwick
    I'm at a non-games company now. Wayfair. I help run a group of around 70 artists doing 3d rendering.

    Every single person (except receptionist) has a standing desk. There are about 3200 people here, 7 floors filled with standing desks!

    It's insane how much they spend on office equip and supplies. But hey it's corporate headquarters for a global company.

    My biggest gripe is the overhead lighting. Small price to pay tho, it's pretty cushy overall.

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    weeeeell, it's places like that that made me choose the home office.

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