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How to make a texture tile in SD/SP

polycounter lvl 2
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M u r t t i polycounter lvl 2

I'm sorry but I haven't found solution for this problem yet and don't seem to work around this by myself so I hope someone could help me with this. Im quite new to SD and I'm trying to create tiling wooden wall texture for my stylized cottage. I created the texture in SD and imporetd it into SP but don't know how to make it tile properly. Check pictures below to see what I mean. Thanks!

in substance designer:

Texture in Subtance painter:


  • PixelGoat
    Offline / Send Message
    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    Hard to see without seeing the graph in full res. But a wild guess would be that you are using a Transform2D node to rescale your wood fibres. That can break tiling if the thing your are rescaling in anything other than full numbers... if that made any sense? 
    I would guess you are scaling with a decimal somewhere.

    Hope that helps!
  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
     Substance designer  is not especially good for scaling details.  You have to put "make it tile" after each  2d transform scaling.      
      Would love it would work same way as  Filter Forge  where you could check in "tile"  in the last node and all the noise inputs are adjusting automatically  , even for non square image.  Or at least it  would tell you when you adding something  non tileable. 
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