Hi everyone,
I'm new on 3D development and my goal is to develop 3D stuff for games, right now I'm just creating some fences, chairs, doors on Blender. I have an experience on game programming, but I've just worked on simple 2D stuff until now, I'm very limited on artistic production even thinking this area is fascinating for me.
Straightening to the point, I wonder how some 3D applications can work to achieve final game production.
For example:
1 - I know we can use UV Mapping for texturing a mesh/model I know we can either use something like Substance Painter or Quixel to painting models, in that case can I completely skip the UV workthough and only use programs like these or somehow I still have to use UV Mapping even using a SP? I asked that because I really don't like UVs.
2 - Substance Designer to create materials and Painter for painting these materiais, can I do the both processes on Quixel? I'm a little bit confused cause' there are Quixel NDO, DDO and 3DO Baker tool.
3 - Is 3D-Coat same segment as ZBrush does and you guys think this tool worthy?
4 - Working on engines like UE4 that you can create materials and shaders if you import these materials from a software like SD you can easily edit these materials on UE4 or only on SD?
5 - What's the difference between normal mapping and high mapping? I think only normal mapping is used for the games.
Sorry about a bunch of newbie questions it's because I have no formal background on this fascinating 3D world. I also hope my english is clear enough to make you guys answer to me.
2) yes quixel is an all in 1 alternative to the substance suites, though both have very different workflows
3) Both have similar features, though ZBrush is the industry standard
5) height mapping is also used in games, though mostly for things like terrain maps. Surface details are done with normal maps
and you can create your own brushes for most 3d painting apps, either as texture or brush
you can also mix them up and do some work in a 2d painting app
this topic is pretty complex since there are a lot of tools out there and a lot of things you can do
SnowInChina said: That is cool, I didn't realize before that is possible to completely skip some tradicional tools as Photoshop.
Yeah I've noticed that. I used the UE forum sometimes especially for programming stuff. I thought to make this question down here because this is a 3D artist forum, but I didn't realize that I could make that question there as well.
The impression I get is they moved too far or maybe I'm jumping some previous steps and didn't realized that before.
Like I said before I would like to do something relative easy, I'm not aiming to be an artist, probably I don't have time and capacity for this. However we can google for very good looking simple stuff.
So I don't really know what is holding you back from learning to make UVs, especially in Blender because it's so ridiculously easy...