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SOLVED [Maya2018] Smoothing mesh problem

polycounter lvl 11
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Fletcher polycounter lvl 11
EDIT: After fighting with this for two daysI have a working solution. Problem occurs only when I try to smooth mesh that is very far from 0,0,0 of the scene. When I moved mesh to the center of scene, everything worked perfectly. So this mesh that I have attached will smooth nicely because it is centered in the middle of the scene. I have no idea why this is working that way but centering mesh to the middle of the scene is only solution I found :)
Have a nice day!


recently I have updated my Maya to 2018 version and I have a little problem with smoothing mesh (with smooth mesh preview via "3" key or simply by smooth command via "Mesh" menu). Effects are hard for me to describe (it looks like I sculpted mesh in zbrush or something) so I have attached some screenshots. I have done almost every maya trick I know so far - deleting history, freezing transformations, combining with cube, mesh cleanup, export and reimport, import to another software and trying to smooth it there (3ds max, blender, zbrush, modo) - all with same or similar results. I also will attach .obj file if you want to try yourself. I have never encountered this problem before and I work on Maya since 2012 version and I know this software can have its "moods" but I have no idea what is going on here. Maybe You guys can help? Oh, and it is not material issue, I have assigned basic blinn material to mesh with no textures.


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