Hi all.
I currently use Quixel suite on a daily basis.
I am finding that the workfile sizes are very large being psd's. Ive gotta lot of work on and am finding it to be a bit of a pain to back up.
My question is ... are work files anywhere near as big in substance painter?
If someone could tell me what is an average sort of file size for a generic asset like a gun, or vehicle or other small to medium props, that would be great..!

It all depends on how many materials, alphas, Baked Maps, Brushstrokes etc you use in your project as Substance Painter saves all this information to get you a truly undestructive workflow.
It will save which Brush you used with which alpha applied on which material Set on which place on the 3d Model.
This allows you to e.g. edit the used alpha or even the resolution of the Texture
Also all the used resources will be stored within the SP File.
It is more like a pakage including all materials and alphas etc. used on the project.
Substance Designer files, or the materials themselve (SBSAR files) on the other hand are most of the time only a few KB because they are setup in a procedural way.
You can also try using 7zip to compress your old psds, lzma2, single threaded can get them quite small