@Maxilator I know Working on it - a big problem is that due to time and budget constraints in this demo I have mostly focused on filler stuff to showcase mechanics so a lot of stuff is not so thought out. I planned advanced levels that will make more sense, fit together and I will optimize them for visibility, ease of navigation and more. I'll try to find some easy solutions to improve the current level.
Looks soooo cool!! One really simple thing i would change would be the color when the enemies shoot!! Right now we don't really understand or see them shooting at us because it looks exactly like ours; when both are shooting in the same time you can't even clearly see that it would be better for you to move!
This week I'll be present at the dev.play conference here in Bucharest and show the demo in the "Indie Expo" section! Very exciting to be a dev with your own project. Even if the game fails to gain funding through the crowdfunder at least it was a blast doing all these things
After the dev.play conference I decided to work a bit more and expand the demo, as well as implement some feedback and ideas I had. "Demo3" is the final vertical slice I'm doing and I want to make a fully-fledged level as I always planned, with zero compromising.
Here's what the map looks like now (players dock into this huge capital ship and have to reach the bridge, while the ship is overrun by drones):
And in-game screens:
Building kits:
What's new:
- the map has a tutorial section that goes through all ship systems, it can be skipped and players can jump straight to action
- a ton of new assets - building kits (walls, ventshaft, scaffolding, pipes), props, new tileable textures
- different areas - hangars, corridors, narrow ventilation shafts, combat arenas and cargo bays
- and most important, stuff to do: level objectives - a main goal for this level and in-game texts for objects and exploring the level
What's planned for the next few weeks:
- a new enemy and a new weapon
- finalizing this map and making part2, just outside this ship for some intense combat
- polishing everything and making this public (including on Steam), launching the crowdfunding campaign, and hopefully dedicating the next 1.5 to 2 years working on the game
wow dude! the new art looks great! Ive already said I love what your doing in like 10 different ways, so Im not gonna do it again...but I love everything your doing :P
Hey just saw this pop up on Steam yesterday (right to the wishlist it went), and thought I'd post the link here for anyone else who's been keeping an eye on this project: https://store.steampowered.com/app/986780/Supersolar/
Games looking great! Best of luck with the upcoming release
The art looks gorgeous, I am a little bit worried about the gameplay though. This is early, so I don't know whether I should even bring it up, but it just doesn't look juicy enough to me at the moment (mostly the shooting, the flying looks fun already). Best of luck with the project!
If you still have time Id try making a more dynamic promo shot, its looking a bit flat right now.
and remember to not stress out to much man!
Ive already said I love what your doing in like 10 different ways, so Im not gonna do it again...but I love everything your doing
Love it!
Games looking great! Best of luck with the upcoming release
This is early, so I don't know whether I should even bring it up, but it just doesn't look juicy enough to me at the moment (mostly the shooting, the flying looks fun already).
Best of luck with the project!