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Getting in Texturing, having a hard time with this.

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DarkThrone vertex
Ok so i have been learning myself 3d modeling for the last months (Probably 2) in Blender, heres a showcase of what i have done in just a few hours last weekend.

3D Modelling for me have been the easy part... atleast Hard Surfacing for now...
But i have been wanting to put textures on this model the PBR way using Photoshop and Krita (I cant afford Substance Painter as of now), is just that there are probably so many ways to do this, but im not sure which one i should follow so i would like to know how you all usually Texture your models for Game design.


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do you have a high poly model made?

    Did you UV your low poly model?

    Did you Bake your maps?
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    PBR workflow is the same everywhere.

    *No shadows in Albedo
    *Most surface detail is handled by roughness/reflectivity channels. You don't want your albedo to be noisy.
    *Accurate material definition and layers. Wood, metal, skin, or plastic etc all have unique properties.
    *Use calibrated values so your prop can be lit under a variety of settings and the results should be constant
    *Normal/Bump mapping is the same as PS3 days. Bake, sculpt, or hand paint them.

    If you need help starting off, read into these:
  • lucasz
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    lucasz polycounter lvl 8
    Just use the Principal Shader (PBR Based) in Blender 2.9 ( Dowload the latest Testbuild ) It supports Roughness/Metallic Maps or you can ignore the Maps and use Sliders. Look for a Tutorial about the Shader on youtube.
  • DarkThrone
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    DarkThrone vertex
    Thank you guys i have been making some progress on this, i should have a final showcase soon.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    JordanN said:
    PBR workflow is the same everywhere.

    *Most surface detail is handled by roughness/reflectivity channels. You don't want your albedo to be noisy.

    Probably shouldn't listen to his advice..

    I don't have any concrete advice since I haven't seen any textures on this yet. I did a breakdown of what I would keep an eye out for in another gun thread. It could be useful.

    I would say your best bet is to create a work in progress thread in the 3d art section and that way you can get advice as you go along.

    I believe the one mistake you may make is rushing through the textures too quickly. There is a ton to understand that you may miss.

    My first recommendation would be to gather a list of all reference that you need for your gun. Really take your time and find some hi resolution reference photos. Start the thread with this image and all reference you gather. While there is always needs to be an artistic eye applied to texturing, with realism, great reference will let you know whether you're on the right track.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    beefaroni said:
    Probably shouldn't listen to his advice..

    Care to provide counter evidence?
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