Hey polycount,
Let's talk about design principles that goes beyond tools.
What do I mean with ''design principles'' Principles like stress concentration and how it affects design decisions.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_concentrationI got this information from Mike Hill. I want to learn more. Feel free to share what you know.
Thanks for your time.
Here's the Mike Hill talk I think you're talking about
Now, before asking anyone else for their input, why don't you try to offer us some 'design principles', get the ball rolling?
So in practice, if im adding details for the sake of details, i've fucked up. keep it simple and readable, otherwise its just filler shit and distracts from the essence of whatever it is i'm trying to communicate with the design.
an basic representative example would perhaps be a character - its tempting to add endless attachments and props and things but you end up with a far less effective silhouette or readability. Or an environment texture, doing loads of tiny amazing bricks and then realising that it makes it hard to see the characters who need to be in front of it - the stars of the show.
I'm not really qualified to talk about design, since I'm still learning and haven't walked the walk...
@ michael knubben
Good example of design principle in engineering industry .
@ Chimp and Fuiosg
I get where you are coming from. Totally agree with the readability part.
Design Iteration http://www.autodestruct.com/thumbwar.htm
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