Greetings to you, Polycounters!
I'm Dom, been loving this community so far from a lurkers P.O.V. - you're all so helpful and generous! Normally my physical sketchbook never leaves my side, but since getting heavier into digital creation I think it's high-time that an online version be started, hence this thread.
C&C most welcome.
So without further ado let's get the ball rolling:
Bounty hunter. RIP all but the base-mesh unfortunately since the original file got corrupted. Derp.
1. Detail frontal shot of a winged Kaiju I've been tooling around on.
2. Close up from the profile.
3. full-body 3/4 view.
Frost-wraith-shaman guy. Might have several more iterations before I decide if he's a warrior, or a mage. Could possibly see both a spell caster type or a more buffed melee dude. Tried some torn flowing drapery with PS paintover on the left.
Seahorses - so majectic!
Got my first Substance pass/Arnold render off on this guy. Happy so far!
Just noticed something weird with that hammerhead shark body though, I see you are pretty much done with it so I guess it is no use for this model but maybe as a side note.
I'm no specialist but what really bothered me was the silhouette of its shoulders, it seems like his biceps and deltoids are merged together and the pectoral muscles are strangely connected to the shoulders. I am by far no expert in anatomy as I am trying to learn myself (so please anyone correct me if I am wrong) but I did a quick overlay sketch.
Keep up the good work, I think you got some cool stuff there, looking forward to see more!
EDIT: Added Venom chest symbol, and fleshed out the whispy tendrils.
Messing around in Photoshop with Zbrush renderpasses. Not final by any means, but thought I'd give you a taste.
New turtle sculpt. Planning on doing the "Before/after/self improvement" meme comparing this to an old model.
Pretty excited going in to 2020 - here's a Godzilla bust to celebrate! Great looking back and feeling my progress from when this whole 3D adventure began.
Finished up my real-time Gengar, he's my fav ghosty-boi, for sure. Definitely refined my workflow with this one, probably the fastest full character I've cranked out.
Fully rigged up, 12k Tris, 2k maps, presented in real-time with Marmoset, post with Photoshop.
More shots and breakdowns on my Artstation.
Hope you like it!
Another real-time project finished! As always more renders, wires and texture breakdowns on my Artstation.
Thanks for taking a look Polycounters.
First doodle is of a kaiju, of course