I couldn't think of a more original name for my latest Unity 5 project.
I wanted to try out a few new systems this time including volumetric fog/lighting, deferred decals and face weighted normals. I was also keen to try out a lighting scheme outside of the Michael Bay blue and orange go to. Lastly, I wanted to have a small animated clip to try and better capture the mood so I added in a particle and some animated lights.

Here is the video clip:
Maybe you can decrease the speed of the light? Personally I think it this too fast
Nice job....
If it is possible to slow that fast moving light, I think it would be much better, just as protocol studio as mentioned and the reason is, it is distracting from letting us see the work properly. Also the Glass in the right side whr u have added the blood, I think it would be better to add a little bit of dirt in the corner of the glass but at end of the day, it is ur choice bro .....
Yeh, the animated lights are the least realised part I guess, I'll try and spend some time refining or exploring another solution. I thought about having classic rotating alarm style light but thought the strip lights would be more sci-fi.
In terms of the glass, I think that there is dirt on the texture but it somehow isn't coming through very well after I applied the custom/StandardAlphaBlended-VolumetricFog shader that came with the system. I'll play around with it though.
I used the same volumetric light and fog system that Unity used for the Adam Demo:
For the decals, I used a solution on the Unity store called Dynamic Decals. I'm not sure if we are allowed links to products but you can find it easily enough, it's very highly rated and great quality.