I have a problem with my level, and it is that the light source casts really hard shadows, so there's two things I don't like: There's no blending between light and shadow, and shadows are really dark, almost pitch black if you look to them from a lightened place. AO in materials seems to be ok, and I have a skylight, but I don't know what to do with it.
I've already searched for help, and all threads say that placing a skylight will fix it, but I can't find any solution, it's still dark no matter what.
Please, can anyone help me with this?
Would you mind showing your lightmass settings under world settings, the light settings, and a lightmap density pass?
I can also see some lightmap seams coming from modularity. Uneven lighting between the modular pieces.
Btw, how could I even the lighting between modular meshes?
I think now its really orange and maybe you would want more gi from the skylight and less from the sunlight.
I just had to decrease the Indirect Lightmass smoothness to something like 0.6
How is it looking like right now? (I kinda prefer a more saturated orange)
Hope that helps!